Primary aftermath

Some good news for 2A advocates in yesterday’s primaries:

Considering the material we had to work with it wasn’t a bad night for our side.


Saturday’s Newsbits:





Republican primary for Orleans Co. D.A.

State of Politics covers Tuesday’s GOP primary for Orleans County District Attorney.

Of note is this bit:

“… [Susan Howard] is endorsed by … the Shooters Committee On Political Education (S.C.O.P.E.). She’s a Second Amendment rights advocate and hopes to serve justice as the county district attorney. “I’m a very big Second Amendment person,” she said. “I have two pistols that I inherited from my dad. I’m not a hunter or anything, but I did win a shotgun at a gun raffle, and I was so excited, but because of the Safe Act, I couldn’t take it home with me, and I was outraged. What do you mean I can’t take my gun home with me? ‘You can’t take your gun home with you. You’ve got to pass a background check. You’ve got to do the paperwork.’ I was like, ‘Man.’ I was so disappointed.” Howard leads her campaign with the goals of standing up for constitutional rights, including Second Amendment rights …”

Westchester D.A. candidates

Here’s a breakdown on the two remaining Democrats vying for the party nomination for District Attorney:

  • William Wagstaff: “… Westchester needs a district attorney who will prioritize protecting our communities and standing up for victims while at the same time recognizing that our system does not always lead to just outcomes … I firmly believe we need a stronger focus on data to drive decisions and results to achieve the public’s call for my approach. The implementation of data-driven solutions can help address gun violence, hate crimes, domestic violence and property crimes — a method that ensures we are serious about safety and results, not just following rhetoric. My office will optimize the collection and analysis of case data to better understand drivers of crime. It is critical to transition the office from being solely responsive to crime via prosecution, to placing an emphasis on crime prevention in order to improve public safety …”
  • Susan Cacace: “… I also pledge to strengthen efforts to keep guns off our streets and to use the weight of the office to enforce red-flag and safe storage laws. This includes the important work of educating the community about such laws … We know, for example, that the influx of guns from out of state — despite our own tough gun laws — makes our streets less safe …”

Both candidate’s websites list they are a Mom’s gun sense candidate.

Neither looks appealing.  Cacace is openly pledging to support offensive gun control laws while Wagstaff is offering up word salad.


Monday’s Newsbits:





D’Esposito couldn’t keep quiet

The Supreme Court knocked down an ATF rule prohibiting bump-stocks saying the agency overstepped it’s authority in a 6-3 decision.

Gunsense advocates are unhappy and looking at the dissenting opinion for some salvation:

If they are unable to bring themselves to fully support gun rights in public, now would be a good time for quishy politicos to be quiet on the issue.

Congressman Anthony D’Esposito failed to restrain himself:

This will get him nothing at election time.


Thursday’s Newsbits:




Legislature in recess

The state legislature has gone into recess and is not scheduled to return until next January, although special sessions are always a possibility.

Here’s a breakdown of the gun bills which passed this session and will go to the Governor.

Gun control in AD-109 Democrat primary

There will be a Democrat primary on June 25th in the 109th Assembly District and the Altamont Enterprise has a breakdown of the candidates.

Of note in the story is this nugget:

“… [Dustin Reidy] said he had built coalitions in the county legislature and was proud that the gun legislation he authored, called DISCOVER, for Detailed Instruction Supporting Community Violence Education and Reduction, had bipartisan support. “Everyone supported it,” he said …”

That legislation prohibits lawful carry on county property.

In addition, according to his campaign website, “As a County Legislator, Dustin was endorsed by Moms Demand Action because he authored and passed three important pieces of legislation on the issue.

Another county legislator, Andrew Joyce, is also running in the primary and he supported DISCOVER, although he does not mention gun control on his website.

The district has a more than 5 to 1 Democrat enrollment advantage so whomever wins the primary will likely coast through the November general election.  Sitting out the primary is not an option.  I consider Reidy to be the worst of the bunch so victory shall be defined as him losing.  If both Reidy and Joyce lose that shall be defined as a big victory.

Vote accordingly on the 25th.