Rockland Local Law 9 of 2024

Last month the Rockland Co. Legislature passed a law similar to other municipalities requiring firearms dealers to post warning signs.

Here is a copy of Local Law 9 of 2024 (PDF).

Cut off kid’s dicks to counter “gun violence”

Words escape me:

“Multiple gun control groups on Tuesday argued in a Supreme Court filing that allowing children access to gender transition procedures would prove “crucial” in countering gun violence. Groups such as March for Our Lives and the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence made the claim in an amicus brief filed in United States v. Skrmetti. The case centers around the legality of a Tennessee bill prohibiting minors from undergoing gender transition treatments … The groups also argued some children who cannot receive gender transition treatments may kill themselves, which they said commonly happens using a firearm …”

This is legally retarded.

Reforming the NRA

Newly elected Boardmember Jeff Knox asks, “What Do Members Really Think About Their NRA Organization?

I encourage all members to send your opinions to Jeff either over at the Ammoland article, the Facebook group Members Take Back Our NRA, or his website before the next board meeting scheduled for September 7.

This is my response to his five questions:

1. Are you a current or past NRA member?

Current Patron Life, member for 30+ years.

2. Have you rejoined or are you financially contributing to the NRA now, or planning to do so in the near future?


3. If so, what convinced you to do so?


4. If not, what is holding you back? (Please be as specific and brutally honest as you can. We need to understand your issues.)

  • Bill Brewer needs to go.
  • The entire incumbent board needs to go.
  • The entire executive staff needs to go.
  • Wayne and company need to repay what the court says they do.
  • An audit needs to be done by an accounting firm specializing in non-profits that has no prior connections to NRA or any current or former board member. The results shall be published in the member’s magazine.
  • A review of current by-laws and business practices needs to be done by a law firm specializing in non-profits that has no prior connections to NRA or any current or former board member. The findings shall be published in the member’s magazine.

5. What internal issues (in priority order) do you think the NRA Board most urgently needs to address?

  • Board size needs to be reduced to at most 12-15.
  • Board members must be Life members for at least 10 years to be eligible.
  • Members who have been elected to a state or federal office or who are or were functionaries in a state political party shall be ineligible to sit on the Board for 20 years to prevent a conflict of interest.
  • ILA shall be required to keep a list of ALL tracked state and federal gun bills on their website with current bill status and support/oppose notation. This list shall be updated in a timely manner, at least once ever other week during the legislative session.
  • Lobbyist disclosure reports shall be posted on the ILA website in accordance with the required reporting schedule for the jurisdiction where they are registered, monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly, etc.
  • ILA shall produce a voter guide for BOTH primary and general elections and publish this on the website. Incumbent elected officials shall run on their voting record and NOTHING else. Incumbents who do not sponsor pro-gun legislation shall not be given a grade higher than B. If there is any doubt, it shall be policy to vote the incumbent out.
  • Campaign donations will be distributed based upon NEED with priority given to challengers opposing antigun incumbents. Donations shall not be given to incumbents in non-competitive races and shall not be given when the opposition candidate is as good or better on gun issues than the incumbent. At least 50% of member contributions from any given state shall be spent in that state. NO donations to R/D party accounts or 3rd party election committees.
  • ILA shall publicly encourage member participation in the candidate selection and election processes for BOTH Republicans and Democrats, especially in urban areas long neglected by 2A groups.

Issues don’t mix

Everytown has put out this add trying to mix gun control with abortion:

How exactly is abortion related to gun control? It isn’t. In fact it can be argued that both issues are polar opposites of each other. Then why do this?

I have long held the belief that much of what constitutes “the Left” is made up of professional agitators organized and directed by politicians and wealthy donors. This is certainly true for gun control and to a large extent the pro-abortion crowd. However, the organizers would usually keep the issues’ supporters separated. After all, why would tough, blue collar union workers concerned about their wages and benefits get involved with effeminate homosexuals or militant greenies? They wouldn’t. That is why I believe this ad is a mistake. I think they are very, very worried about a second Trump administration and are getting desperate.

Gun control advocates call on Hochul to sign bills

Senator Shelley Mayer put on a (totally unnecessary) dog-and-pony show outside White Plains City Hall calling for Gov. Hochul to sign a couple of her gun control bills:

“Standing in front of White Plains City Hall, public safety advocates and lawmakers called on Gov. Kathy Hochul to sign a pair of bills they say will further reduce gun violence across New York. State Sen. Shelley Mayer is the sponsor of the bills that passed both houses of the state Legislature earlier this year … The first bill would require New York’s digital registry of orders of protection and warrants to include extreme risk protection orders (ERPOs) … Mayer’s second bill would require firearm licensing officers to provide additional information about safe storage laws, including child access prevention measures when issuing permits …”

Her bills in question are S-3340 and S-9760.

There is no doubt Hochul will sign the bills. Mayer just wants some media face time before the upcoming elections.

Everytown getting their money’s worth

The Rockland Co. legislature recently passed a local law similar to one in Westchester requiring warning labels be posted wherever firearms are sold.

According to the bill’s prime sponsor Beth Davidson:

… “Gun violence eclipsed car accidents as the number one killer of children in the United States,” County Legislator Beth Davidson, representing Clarkstown and Nyack, told 1010 WINS/WCBS 880. “Gun violence isn’t happening somewhere else. It’s happening here in Rockland County.” …

Everytown donated $400 to her election committee on October 30, 2023 so it didn’t take long for them to get a return on their investment.

Bill to eliminate NYC fees

New bill introduced to the City Council by Councilmembers Vickie Paladino and David Carr, INT 1008-2024, eliminates the fees for firearm licenses, currently $340+.

DEC wants to ban lead ammo

The Fudds at the Conservation Council and other “sportsmens” groups have been warned for years that gun control advocates would go after them directly and indirectly. Here is the latest attack:

“The DEC is expanding statewide the multi-year cooperative study of how increased use of non-lead ammunition for deer hunting can improve the survival of bald and golden eagles. Hunters statewide are now eligible for a rebate of up to $60 for the purchase of non-lead ammunition for use during the 2024-25 deer hunting seasons … DEC highly prioritizes minimizing risks to wildlife and people from lead hunting ammunition. Eagles can incidentally ingest lead bullet fragments when scavenging the remains left behind after a hunter field dresses a deer. The golden eagle population is relatively stable in the eastern United States, although a multitude of human-caused threats still exist. While the bald eagle population continues to recover in New York, research has shown that lead-related mortality slows population growth. The newly expanded study aims to determine whether this source of mortality can be reduced by increasing the proportion of hunters using non-lead ammunition …”

This is complete bullshit and the cowardly “sportsmens” groups won’t speak out against it.

The NYC watershed literally sits on top of lead deposits on both sides of the Hudson.  Bald eagles have nested there forever without issue.  Their population decline was due to pesticides, not lead.

Multiple bills prohibiting the use of lead ammo have circulated for years, most recently as A-2084A/S-4976A and A-849.  If the Fudds don’t change course, one day they will wake up and find their deer camp has been permanently closed.


Thursday’s Newsbits:

Armed Citizen:




All-in for gun control

Democrats are going all-in for gun control and will feature Gabby Giffords and other advocates in prime time during the DNC convention tonight.

This is counter to the Fudd friendly campaign Harris/Walz appeared to be going for earlier. Maybe they realized the Fudd vote isn’t real or more likely they just decided to give up any pretense of running a center-left campaign and going full communist. Whatever the reason, vote 2A this November.