Gun control advocates call on Hochul to sign bills

Senator Shelley Mayer put on a (totally unnecessary) dog-and-pony show outside White Plains City Hall calling for Gov. Hochul to sign a couple of her gun control bills:

“Standing in front of White Plains City Hall, public safety advocates and lawmakers called on Gov. Kathy Hochul to sign a pair of bills they say will further reduce gun violence across New York. State Sen. Shelley Mayer is the sponsor of the bills that passed both houses of the state Legislature earlier this year … The first bill would require New York’s digital registry of orders of protection and warrants to include extreme risk protection orders (ERPOs) … Mayer’s second bill would require firearm licensing officers to provide additional information about safe storage laws, including child access prevention measures when issuing permits …”

Her bills in question are S-3340 and S-9760.

There is no doubt Hochul will sign the bills. Mayer just wants some media face time before the upcoming elections.

DEC wants to ban lead ammo

The Fudds at the Conservation Council and other “sportsmens” groups have been warned for years that gun control advocates would go after them directly and indirectly. Here is the latest attack:

“The DEC is expanding statewide the multi-year cooperative study of how increased use of non-lead ammunition for deer hunting can improve the survival of bald and golden eagles. Hunters statewide are now eligible for a rebate of up to $60 for the purchase of non-lead ammunition for use during the 2024-25 deer hunting seasons … DEC highly prioritizes minimizing risks to wildlife and people from lead hunting ammunition. Eagles can incidentally ingest lead bullet fragments when scavenging the remains left behind after a hunter field dresses a deer. The golden eagle population is relatively stable in the eastern United States, although a multitude of human-caused threats still exist. While the bald eagle population continues to recover in New York, research has shown that lead-related mortality slows population growth. The newly expanded study aims to determine whether this source of mortality can be reduced by increasing the proportion of hunters using non-lead ammunition …”

This is complete bullshit and the cowardly “sportsmens” groups won’t speak out against it.

The NYC watershed literally sits on top of lead deposits on both sides of the Hudson.  Bald eagles have nested there forever without issue.  Their population decline was due to pesticides, not lead.

Multiple bills prohibiting the use of lead ammo have circulated for years, most recently as A-2084A/S-4976A and A-849.  If the Fudds don’t change course, one day they will wake up and find their deer camp has been permanently closed.


Wednesday’s Newsbits:







If Governor Hochul’s signature gun control law were working as advertised, why is this still going on?

“The Gun Violence State of Emergency in Rochester was renewed once again Wednesday. The state of emergency was first enacted on July 21, 2022. The original “Proclamation of a Local State of Emergency” was meant to give the mayor additional powers to “protect life and property and to bring the emergency under control.” Rochester Mayor Malik Evans said Wednesday there had been 24 homicides and more than 100 shooting victims in 2024 so far.”

As far as I can tell, nobody in the regime media has asked either Hochul or Evans this question.


Tuesday’s Newsbits:





It’s a money funnel

WIVB reports:

Buffalo Common Councilwoman Zeneta Everhart is pushing for the City of Buffalo to establish a gun violence prevention office in order to combat gun violence at the local level. The initiative is aimed to provide support for families that have been impacted by gun violence, implement evidence-based interventions, encourage community engagement and work with local law enforcement to address illegal gun trafficking in the city …”

The initiative is aimed at putting Democrat-party connected political cronies on a government payroll. That’s it, nothing more. They’ve been pushing this sort of thing in Albany the last few years.

Bill targets Glock switches


Saturday’s Newsbits:






Monday’s Newsbits:






Thursday’s Newsbits:


