Two new resolutions introduced to City Council

Councilwoman Crystal Hudson has introduced two new virtue signalling resolutions to the Clown Council:

  • RES 681-2024 calls on the State Legislature to pass, and the Governor to sign, S-9904, in relation to defining the term mass shooting for purposes of emergency response measures and access to emergency funding.
  • RES 682-2024 calls on the State Legislature to pass, and the Governor to sign, S-9905, in relation to establishing the Office of Gun Violence Prevention and the Gun Violence Advisory Council.

These garbage bills exist primarily to help divert state monies to the cronies of electeds. They are both sponsored by Senator Zellnor Myrie who just so happens wants to run for Mayor next year. I will make an educated guess and say that Hudson’s main motivation is to use these resolutions to help aid Myrie’s mayoral campaign.

Westchester fees go to $175

Effective January 3, the cost to recertify Westchester Co. pistol licenses will increase to $175/5 years.

The next scheduled meeting of the County Board of Legislators is Monday, December 9 @ 10:00am. This is not on the agenda, but residents who attend can sign up to briefly address the Board.

Lawyers interested in discussing possible legal action as well as media outlets looking for comment can contact WCFOA at 914-747-5001.


Monday’s Newsbits:




Proposed North Collins shooting range ordinance

The Town of North Collins has proposed a local law regulating shooting ranges.

Here is a copy of the bill.

RES 600-2024

Another gun control resolution was just introduced to the City Council by Councilwoman Julie Menin.

RES 600-2024, Calls on Congress to pass and the President to sign a law to set minimum age to buy all firearms from licensed dealers or private individuals at 21.

Update on proposed Westchester fees


SUBJECT: Westchester BOL meeting of September 30, 2024

Dozens of gun owners took the time to attend the September 30, 2024 Westchester County Board of Legislators meeting, regarding the proposed clearly excessive fee increases for pistol licenses and services.

Many valid and constructive suggestions and comments were made by those in attendance. Many more were waiting to comment on the County’s WebEx electronic platform, but unfortunately it was not operating.

In view of the turnout and comments, the Board delayed any vote on the proposal and held it over to the Monday, October 7, 2024 meeting. At that time we hope that the proposal will be re-committed to the Legislation Committee for revision, and that gun owners will have input on any decisions.

Thanks to all who took the time to attend, and also those who tried to attend electronically, to affect the outcome of this proposal. Hopefully we will achieve a more fair and reasonable outcome for Westchester’s gun owners.

We will advise on the progress of the issue.

Here is a video of yesterday’s meeting. Jump to the 43 minute mark.

Notice of public hearing on firearms fees

Public Notices



LOCAL LAW INTRO No. 2024 – 386

Resolution No.145 – 2024

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be held by the County Board of Legislators on September 30, 2024 at 7:30 p.m., in its Legislative Chambers, 8th Floor, Michaelian Office Building, 148 Martine Avenue, White Plains, New York on a proposed LOCAL LAW entitled, • A LOCAL LAW to amend the Laws of Westchester County by adding a new Chapter 527 relating to fees charged for a license to carry a pistol or revolver, purchase or take possession of a semiautomatic rifle, and amend or renew such license.”

The County Board will permit in-person access to the meeting and will allow participation in the public hearing both in-person and through WebEx. To register to speak via the Board’s WebEx online teleconferencing system, please visit this link:; Event number: 2431 385 4690; Event password: PublicHearing (no space). Or by calling 1-844-621-3956, access code: 2431 385 4690; Registration to speak in-person shall be available before the meeting starting at 6:15 pm. Speakers will be called in the order of registration, alternating between in-person and Webex registrations. Comments may also be submitted in writing by emailing: or mailing them to the Clerk of the Board of Legislators, 148 Martine Ave., 8th Floor, White Plains, NY 10601. Written comments must be received by September 30, 2024 at 5:00 pm.


Dated: September 20, 2024
White Plains, New York

Proposed Carmel zoning plan

The Carmel Town Council is considering a zoning master plan that includes heavy restrictions on fish and game clubs. The draft is not available online – you have to show up in person. Putnam Co. Fish & Game sent the following notice:

Public Hearing – Proposed Carmel Zoning Code Change Affecting Rod & Gun Clubs and ranges.

Wednesday, Sept. 18 at 7pm at Carmel Town Hall, 60 McAlpin Avenue, Mahopac, NY.

Get there early! We need to pack town hall to prevent losing our ranges!

The Town of Carmel recently updated the draft zoning code.The proposed zoning code creates a category “rod and gun club” that would apply to PCFGA., Willow Wood, etc. Many of the rod and gun club restrictions are arbitrary, unreasonable and harmful.

Although the updated code says the rod and gun club provisions will apply to new clubs, it doesn’t explicitly exempt existing clubs. We want the Town Board to leave the current zoning alone or at least add the explicit exemption of existing clubs.