Gun control in AD-109 Democrat primary

There will be a Democrat primary on June 25th in the 109th Assembly District and the Altamont Enterprise has a breakdown of the candidates.

Of note in the story is this nugget:

“… [Dustin Reidy] said he had built coalitions in the county legislature and was proud that the gun legislation he authored, called DISCOVER, for Detailed Instruction Supporting Community Violence Education and Reduction, had bipartisan support. “Everyone supported it,” he said …”

That legislation prohibits lawful carry on county property.

In addition, according to his campaign website, “As a County Legislator, Dustin was endorsed by Moms Demand Action because he authored and passed three important pieces of legislation on the issue.

Another county legislator, Andrew Joyce, is also running in the primary and he supported DISCOVER, although he does not mention gun control on his website.

The district has a more than 5 to 1 Democrat enrollment advantage so whomever wins the primary will likely coast through the November general election.  Sitting out the primary is not an option.  I consider Reidy to be the worst of the bunch so victory shall be defined as him losing.  If both Reidy and Joyce lose that shall be defined as a big victory.

Vote accordingly on the 25th.

Albany declaring June “Gun Violence Prevention Month”

City of Albany Resolution 63.61.24R, Declaring June 7, 2024 to be National Gun Violence Awareness Day and proclaiming June 2024 as National Gun Violence Prevention Month, is on the Common Council’s agenda for June 3.

Mandatory gun buyback bills introduced

Two new so-called gun buyback bills have been introduced to the City Council:

  • INT 0933-2024, Requires the NYPD to conduct an outreach campaign to inform the public about the department’s gun buyback programs.
  • INT 0934-2024, Requires the NYPD to establish a monthly gun buyback program.


Wednesday’s Newsbits:






Tuesday’s Newsbits:




Res 375-2024

Some virtue signaling nonsense introduced to the Clown Council by Jumaane Williams: Res 375-2024, recognizing June as Gun Violence Awareness Month in New York City.

Bowman v. Latimer

City & State has a good story, “Who’s endorsing Jamaal Bowman and George Latimer?

CD-16 has a heavy Democrat enrollment advantage and the winner of the party primary will likely walk through the general election.

Just because both Bowman and Latimer stink on 2A does not mean there isn’t opportunity to influence the election and make our voices heard.

These are the choices:

  • Support Latimer. If he wins he has to give up the Westchester County Executive seat giving us a roll of the dice on the open seat.
  • Support Bowman. Make an example out of Latimer for bringing up gun control before an election.

I believe the former is the better course of action, but I could get behind the later.

Sitting at home and doing nothing is not an option. If you choose not to decide you still have made a choice.

City of Albany Resolution 9.12.24R

Several City of Albany Councilmen have introduced Resolution 9.12.24R, a nonsense resolution that says:

“… the Council calls for those in possession of handguns, whether legal or illegal, to stop using these weapons in moments of anger or retribution and instead calls for individuals to reach out for help in settling disputes or arguments …”

These are unserious people.

INT 500-2024

A new bill has been introduced to the City Council by Shaun Abreu.

INT 500-2024, Requires the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene to develop materials on the dangers of keeping a gun in the home and publish these materials online. The bill would also require the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene to develop an outreach program to give the materials to the facilities of healthcare providers not affiliated with the City for distribution at the facilities’ discretion, and to give the materials to the following entities: facilities operated by the New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation for distribution to its patients at its discretion, the Department of Education for distribution to students, and the Office to End Domestic and Gender-Based Violence for distribution to individuals receiving services at Family Justice Centers. The bill would require an annual report by the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene on the providing and distributing of the materials.