List of gun control bills which passed in 2021.
- A-613A/S-14A, Criminalizes the sale of ghost guns and requires gunsmiths to register and serialize firearms, rifles, shotguns, and unfinished frames or receivers they assemble.
- A-2111/S-5952, Provides taxpayer gifts for gun violence research; requires the tax commission to include space on the personal income tax return to enable a taxpayer to make such contribution; establishes the gun violence research fund.
- A-2666A/S13A, Enacts the “Scott J. Beigel unfinished receiver act”; relates to unfinished frames or receivers; establishes the crimes of criminal sale of an unfinished frame or receiver in the first and second degrees as class D and E felonies, respectively.
- A-6198B/S-5000B, Prohibits the sale, purchase, or transfer of firearms to anyone known to have an outstanding warrant for a felony or serious offense.
- A-6522/S-7152, Amends the definition of a “disguised gun” to include a weapon or device capable of being concealed on a person from which a shot can be discharged through the energy of an explosive which is designed and intended to appear to be a toy gun.
- A-6762B/S-7196, Relates to the dangers to the safety and health of the public caused by the sale, manufacturing, importing and marketing of firearms and whether such activity constitutes a public nuisance.
- A-7243/S-1251, Requires the Division of Criminal Justice Services to publish quarterly reports beginning October 1, 2021, providing information related to firearms, rifles and shotguns used in the commission of crimes in the state of New York.
- A-7302/S-2981, Creates a firearm violence research institute and a firearm violence research fund.