
Friday’s Newsbits:



Does the NRA play a role in recent mass shootings?

News12 roundtable with spokesmen from Moms Demand Action, Sportsmen’s Association for Firearms Education and local students.


Sunday’s Newsbits:





Vote for the Homo, Not the Cuomo

In response to the Governor’s “suggestion” banks evaluate doing business with the NRA, the Association filed a lawsuit in WNY challenging the directive:

“The National Rifle Association on Friday sued New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and the state’s financial regulator for engaging in what it said was a “blacklisting campaign” aimed at swaying banks and insurers to stop doing business with the gun advocacy group …”

Whether or not the lawsuit has any merits, neither Governor Cuomo nor the legislature takes things like this seriously.  They go on all the time.  Politicians are not personally liable for defending the suit and such actions have little to no impact on re-election campaigns.

If the NRA wants to hurt Cuomo back, they ought to do a Vote for the Homo, Not the Cuomo GOTV effort for the Democrat primary.  It does not matter that Cynthia Nixon is not pro-gun. The fire-mission should be defined as knocking out the incumbent and nothing more.

Giffords targets Faso

The Times Union reports:

“… Gabby Giffords is setting her sights on U.S. Rep. John Faso. The political arm of Giffords, a group launched by the former Arizona congresswoman to address gun violence in America, identified the Kinderhook Republican as one of 12 candidates, all Republicans, to defeat in November. Faso is the only New York candidate on the list …”

Good choice for them. I’m still surprised he won back in ’16. And I have not not forgotten about Faso’s support for strict controls and regulations on handguns.”

Here is their ad:

The fall of Schneiderman

State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman has resigned from office after allegations he’s into some kinky stuff.

One of the more interesting revelations was his mocking gun control advocates:

“… Manning Barish says that Schneiderman often mocked her political activism. When she told him of her plan to attend an anti-gun demonstration with various political figures and a group of parents from Sandy Hook Elementary School, he dismissed the effort, calling the demonstrators “losers.” …”

When Schnedierman was in the Senate he was the primary advocate for gun control so this statement may seem to be a bit odd.  When he took over as A.G. that changed significantly and I think I know why.

One of my friends worked for the A.G.’s office and after Schneiderman was elected Mark got on his case about guns.  After browbeating him about it, and giving him homemade oat bread, Scheinderman agreed to go shooting with Mark.  I believe his only previous experience with guns was limited shooting of a .22 rifle years before.  Mark let him shoot his long guns but told him he could not let him touch his handgun even on the range for instruction.  Schneiderman responded that was stupid.  He legitimately did not know what existing state law was.  I believe this was when the light went on in his head and he realized gun control advocates were full of shit.  During his time as A.G. Schneiderman largely gave up on gun control, even microstamping, which he championed in the legislature.


Tuesday’s Newsbits:




Time to collect

The Donald and Mike Pence both spoke at the NRA convention giving good, red meat speeches.

During Sen. John Cornyn’s address he mentioned that he is the Senate sponsor of the reciprocity bill S.446, which has been sitting quietly since it’s introduction last year.  The only recent action has been the addition of newly elected Mississippi Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith as the 40th co-sponsor.

This proposal has been floating around for more than 20 years.  There is nothing left to discuss about it.  It is time for NRA to give Trump and Mitch McConnell an ultimatum: Bring S.446 to the floor for a straight up or down vote or don’t come around asking for handouts this November.  Whether it passes or not there needs to be a recorded vote on the bill.  Republicans owe NRA big time and with NRA’s membership approaching 6 million it is time to collect.

Gun ownership among women continues to rise