Biden out, Harris in

Joe Biden is bowing out of running for re-election and has endorsed Kamala Harris.

Even after his horrendous debate performance I didn’t think Biden would be forced out, but here we are.

Early left-leaning polling show Harris isn’t popular with fellow Democrats. The antis, however, have no choice but to go all in on her:

Gun control organizations still do not bring anything useful to the table so their support means nothing.

Given the current disarray of the party, there’s no guarantee that Kamala will get the formal party backing at the Democrat convention. Whomever gets their nod, I expect open hostility on 2A from the candidate.


Thursday’s Newsbits:





Spoons make people fat

Some nitwit over at Politico notes:

“Republicans have blamed an array of people and dynamics for the attempted assassination of Donald TrumpDemocrats’ rhetoric, Secret Service lapses, the gunman’s mental health. One thing they haven’t blamed is guns …”

That’s because blaming guns for this would be the same as blaming spoons for making people fat.  Normal people understand this.


Friday’s Newsbits:




Albany declaring June “Gun Violence Prevention Month”

City of Albany Resolution 63.61.24R, Declaring June 7, 2024 to be National Gun Violence Awareness Day and proclaiming June 2024 as National Gun Violence Prevention Month, is on the Common Council’s agenda for June 3.

Gun control response to Hamas protests

Hamas supporters have been holding protests across the City and State, threatening violence against Jews and destroying property.

The response from Senate Deputy Leader Michael Gianaris? More gun control, of course:

“A high-ranking member of the state Senate is proposing amending state law to prohibit the open carry of shotguns and rifles – though there is an exception for hunters included in the proposal. State Sen. Michael Gianaris, D-Astoria and Senate deputy majority leader, introduced S.9137 on Tuesday in the state Senate … “Reasonable restrictions on the open carry of long guns would lead to safer communities through a decrease in the rate of violent crime,” Gianaris wrote in his legislative justification. “The lack of licensing and restrictions on the open carry of long guns has allowed bad actors to display these weapons while engaging in various forms of intimidation including protests, counter-protests, intimidation in front of places of worship and places of reproductive health, and even at voting locations with the intent to intimidate voters.” …”

If enacted this legislation would be as effective as the City’s Gun Free Zone signs.

A companion was just introduced A-10052.

Res 375-2024

Some virtue signaling nonsense introduced to the Clown Council by Jumaane Williams: Res 375-2024, recognizing June as Gun Violence Awareness Month in New York City.