Support Keller to boot Fitzpatrick from office

Incumbent Onondaga Co. D.A. William Fitzpatrick is a longtime strong supporter of more gun control:

“… The District Attorneys Association of the State of New York has proposed a more complete ban on assault weapons, requiring background checks on all gun sales and tracking large purchases of ammunition … Fitzpatrick, a Republican and a hunter, said last week there was no reason not to tighten up New York’s guns laws to include more penalties for people who use illegal guns in crimes, more frequent renewals for gun licenses and revocation of gun licenses for people found mentally incapacitated or ordered to undergo mental health treatment …”

He is facing off this election against to Democrat challenger Chuck Keller who ran against him in ’19.

Fitzpatrick is entrenched in the office and but the mailers his campaign has sent out after losing the Conservative Party endorsement give me hope that he’s vulnerable this year. Keller does not have a public record on guns that I am aware of, however, Fitzpatrick keeps pushing the gun control narrative and needs to go.

2A supporters should back Keller’s efforts to secure the Conservative line and vote for him in the November general election.

Election round-up

Round-up from yesterday’s elections:


Wednesday’s Newsbits:






Sunday’s Newsbits:





SD-57 special election candidate position statements

There will be a special election on November 5 to fill the vacant SD-57 seat. The candidates are Republican Chautauqua County Executive George Borrello and Democrat Austin Morgan.

The Salamanca Press has brief position 2A statements from both of them:

“… Asked about the SAFE Act, Borrello said he supports outright repeal. “It is a horrible government overreach. Every single Democrat voted for it. I stood up for gun rights.” Morgan said that a Republican-controlled Senate passed the SAFE Act. Majority Leader John Flanagan, who supported Borello to the tune of $63,000, voted for the SAFE Act. There are some provisions that should be revised, he added …”

Both candidates are correct, but points go to Morgan for correctly pointing out Flanagan and the Senate Republicans are the ones who allowed the bill to be voted on.

Borrello does not have anything gun related on his campaign website.  Morgan’s has this:

Gun Rights – Fixing and cleaning up the SAFE Act, cutting red tape, protecting rights of home-defenders and hunters alike, common sense safety.

Whenever you see the words “common sense” in connection to any discussion on 2A it means more gun control.

So what do we have?

Partisan B.S. from Borrello and a strong indication Morgan will go along with whatever antigun legislation comes up for a vote.

Bullseye campaign targets

Interesting campaign “literature” being given out by Linda Blom Johnson’s campaign in the JD-3:


Saturday’s Newsbits:





White Plains gun shows pushed Damon Maher into office

Westchester County legislator Damon Maher is running for re-election and wants everyone to know what prompted him to run for office in the first place:

“What accomplishments in your past would you cite as evidence you can handle this job? … We also banned the gun show from our County Center as soon as our new Democratic majority took office, the must-do item that pushed me into elective politics in the first place …”

Dutchess Democrats attack Molinaro, Truitt

The Dutchess County Democrats are trying to attack Marc Molinaro and County Legislator Will Truitt by somehow implying that guns = hate (I guess).

First off, Truitt didn’t shoot that donkey picture and they deleted his comment:

Second, that Molinaro letter is old. As far as I’m concerned he burned his bridges during last year’s laughable gubernatorial campaign.

Covill runs for re-election on her record

Westchester County Legislator Kitley Covill is running for re-election on her record:

“I am running for re-election to continue the work I have started, and to ensure that the people of Legislative District 2 have the voice they need from a well-qualified, experienced legislator. Since starting my first term as a County Legislator in 2018, I voted for critical legislation to support our district including … an end to gun shows on county property …”