Incumbent Onondaga Co. D.A. William Fitzpatrick is a longtime strong supporter of more gun control:
“… The District Attorneys Association of the State of New York has proposed a more complete ban on assault weapons, requiring background checks on all gun sales and tracking large purchases of ammunition … Fitzpatrick, a Republican and a hunter, said last week there was no reason not to tighten up New York’s guns laws to include more penalties for people who use illegal guns in crimes, more frequent renewals for gun licenses and revocation of gun licenses for people found mentally incapacitated or ordered to undergo mental health treatment …”
He is facing off this election against to Democrat challenger Chuck Keller who ran against him in ’19.
Fitzpatrick is entrenched in the office and but the mailers his campaign has sent out after losing the Conservative Party endorsement give me hope that he’s vulnerable this year. Keller does not have a public record on guns that I am aware of, however, Fitzpatrick keeps pushing the gun control narrative and needs to go.
2A supporters should back Keller’s efforts to secure the Conservative line and vote for him in the November general election.