Bloomberg’s bucks

The Washington Post reports that former Mayor Mike Bloomberg pledges to spend big on candidates this fall:

“The political arm of Everytown for Gun Safety, the gun regulation group founded by former New York mayor Mike Bloomberg, plans to spend $45 million over the coming months to elect favored candidates in eight of the states that could determine control of the White House, House, Senate and local offices. The effort will include a new student organizing drive, with plans to hire 30 new organizers for volunteer recruitment drives at 32 college and university campuses in Arizona, California, Michigan, Minnesota, North Carolina, New York, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin … About 80 percent of the $45 million will go to television and digital advertising, according to a person familiar with the spending who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly … Everytown announced a $60 million spending plan before the 2020 election aimed at defeating then-President Donald Trump and electing more Democrats who support gun regulations.”

Bloomberg has made braggadocios claims like this before.  Sure, he can afford it, but will he actually put up the money?  Who knows.

There’s negligible real grassroots here.  It’s the same, tired phony claims gun control groups have made for decades and they’ve never, ever delivered a voting bloc for their issues.  It’s one person (Bloomberg) with a lot of money making wild claims knowing the regime media will not fact check him.

I don’t see anything new here.

Really not a smart man

Some more on Rep. Jacob’s stupidity at Buffalo Rising:

“… Congressman Chris Jacobs shocked the political world last week with his announcement of support for proposals by Governor Kathy Hochul and others to restrict some gun purchases in the state by the age of the buyer, plus other reforms. Jacobs’ story has received national attention … Jacobs’ announcement of his change of heart about the issue (he ran with NRA support in 2020) has set his party into chaos. After settling on Jacobs as their candidate in the new 23rd congressional districtthe party is now in a frantic search for a candidate to oppose Jacobs in the August 23rd primary …”

All he had to do was be quiet and let gun control advocates shoot themselves in the foot like they usually do. Instead, he tried for some cheap political gain and it backfired on him.

Brady PAC endorsements

Brady PAC made the following endorsements:

Nadler and Carolyn Maloney I believe will be in primaries so there is some possibility of picking both of them off then.

Rose is up again against Nicole Malliotakis and she stinks as bad as he does on 2A rights.

Delgado pushing gun control

Rep. Antonio Delgado is pushing gun control with this petition he just sent out to constituents.

If Republicans had their shit together we would have been rid of him in last November’s election.

Democrats aren’t happy

Democrats aren’t happy.

You would think with Biden/Harris in the Whitehouse, a slim majority in the House and a 50+1 Senate, they would all be in a good mood. They’re not. It’s like they know something bad is waiting to happen …

Rocah to push “red flag”

Mimi Rocah was sworn-in as Westchester D.A. this afternoon and she’s made it clear pushing for “red flag” gun control implementation is high on her agenda:

“… She also said she’d target rising gun violence in the county by taking steps including a mandatory red-flag notification for domestic violence victims to tell them they can have guns removed from their partners’ possession. “We must get guns off the street and out of the hands of violent offenders,” Rocah said. “And, while there are no simple answers, there is more we can do.” …”

Believe it.  She’s going to use the D.A.’s office as a bully pulpit to push for whatever nutty schemes Moms come up with just like Jeanine Pirro did when she held the office.


Saturday’s Newsbits:




Block the Biden agenda

I normally would not do this as I believe New Yorkers need to keep their $upport local, but now that Joe Biden has won the Electoral College we need to keep the Senate under Mitch McConnell’s control to block the antigunners agenda in Congress.

If you are able, consider making a donation to one or more of the following for the Georgia runoff elections to be held next month.  I did.

Super-duper majority

John Mannion has won the SD-50 seat giving Democrats a total of 43 seats in the State Senate for the upcoming 2021-22 session, a super-majority +1.

A bright spot

There wasn’t much good news for New Yorkers this past election, but there was one bright spot in AD-97 in Rockland where Mike Lawler defeated incumbent Assemblywoman Ellen Jaffee:

“… This morning, the Rockland County Board of Elections counted 4,673 of the remaining 5,125 absentee ballots to be counted. After the votes were counted, our lead held at 3,067 votes. With only 452 ballots left to be counted (excluding special federal), our campaign can now declare victory with 100% certainty. In the coming days and weeks, the Board of Elections will finish counting all absentee ballots and certify the election results, so that I can be sworn in on January 1st …”

Even more remarkable, Lawler won a district that has just over a 2-1 Democrat enrollment advantage.

Jaffee is a hardcore gun control advocate so it’s a blessing she’s going.