

That’s the average number of intended targets the NYPD missed over the past 10 years.

Perhaps Mayor Bloomberg should spend more time looking into this as opposed to his MAIG efforts.

McCarthy indoctrinating children

Times biased?

As difficult as is it to believe, there just might be some antigun bias over at the New York Times.

John Lott explores this in his op-ed at Fox News, “Another Mistake in The New York Times.”

Proposed Philipstown gun ordinance

The Town of Philipstown in Putnam County is contemplating a gun control ordinance to prohibit legally owned firearms on town property.  Here is a story where this is supposedly coming from and here is a draft copy of the proposal.

Not a given

Julie Sobel’s over at Hotline On Call writes, “NRA Already In Position To Celebrate In 2012.”  There are some problems with her analysis:

“… Unlike in 2008, when the Republican ticket was topped by Arizona Sen. John McCain (R), whose mixed record on gun control has earned him a NRA rating of C+, a look at the potential 2012 field – even including Pres. Obama — suggests that gun rights activists may already be in a position to celebrate.  “It’s inconceivable that the Republicans would nominate a candidate who was not 100% with the NRA,” said Robert Spitzer, author of the book “The Politics of Gun Control” …”

Two words: Mitt Romney.  He has not gone away.  He’s F rated from his time as Massachusetts Governor.  I believe he will put his hat into the ring for ’12.

“… Not only are Republican contenders sticking to their guns, Democratic leaders have essentially decided to cede the argument on gun control …”

No, they have not and nobody believes they have either.  They just haven’t put it on the front burner because they know the issue is a stinker.  That does not mean that at some more opportune time they will bring it up again.

It is entirely possible the GOP will screw up and either nominate a “moderate” on guns and/or nominate a generally weak candidate who ends up losing the general election.  It is way to early to celebrate.

Albany antis want to help McCarthy

Several antigunners in the Albany Common Council want to try and help promote Carolyn McCarthy’s magazine prohibition bill H.R. 308.  A memorializing resolution RES 6.21.11 has been introduced and is on the agenda for the Council’s next meeting scheduled for Monday the 7th.