Pistol license applications up

Pistol license applications are up 50% on Long Island.  From what I’ve seen it’s up 25%-50% across the state and the backlog is causing some delays.

News of the day

The Daily Freeman is glad the Thune amendment came up a couple of votes short.  Assemblywoman Michelle Schimel worked against it because “what is good for Vermont may not be good for New York.

Candidate Jacques Leandre wants more restrictions on gun dealers because, “I haven’t seen a gun manufacturing plant in the projects.

The SigSauer Academy is offering a class for intermediate/advanced shooters, “Shooting out of Your Comfort Zone“, on August 29 at the Genessee Conversation League.

Aborn is out of touch with reality

I found this exchange between Manahattan DA candidates Cyrus Vance and Richard Aborn over at City Hall:

“… Vance and Aborn sparred on who was best suited to upgrade the office, with Aborn trying to tie Vance to the way Morgenthau ran the office and Vance attempting to paint Aborn as out of touch because he has not actually tried a case in court in years. Aborn acknowledged that he had not tried a case since the early 1990s … Aborn disputed that he was out of touch with the courtroom. “I never thought that working on gun violence would be irrelevant to the work of the district attorney,” Aborn said incredulously …”

Right Dick. God forbid a candidate for DA actually have some experience trying criminal cases, as opposed to your spending the past 15 years or so as the mouthpiece for fringe special interests like Handgun Control, Inc. and New Yorkers Against Gun Violence.  How exactly does your experience with either of them lend itself to the role of DA?

Driving Bloomberg crazy

Michael Littlejohn wants to stick it to The Man.  The Daily News has the story, “Up in arms over gun: Replica rifle has Brooklyn man at odds with cops“:

“… Michael Littlejohn is fighting for his right to bear arms. The Revolutionary War buff charges the Bloomberg administration with tyranny for trying to seize his handmade flintlock rifle – a dead ringer for the weapon once used against the redcoats. “This is the last legal gun that you can have without registration in New York,” Littlejohn said. “And yet Mayor Bloomberg is driven crazy by my flintlock gun – the one that won the American Revolution.” … Police claim it’s illegal for Littlejohn to keep the flintlock without a gun license … The social worker is … clinging to a little-known exemption in the city’s strict gun laws … The loophole allows license-free ownership of “antique firearms” – defined as rifles that require the bullet and gunpowder to be loaded separately …”

Cuomo on toy guns

Bloomberg’s popularity down

Mayor Mike’s popularity is down in the latest poll pitting him against challenger Bill Thompson.  He still leds 47-37, but it’s down from 54-32 in June.

Endorsements for Yassky

David Yassky is looking for a new gig now that his time on the NYC Clown Council is almost up. His Congressional bid failed so now he’s going for Comptroller. He’s gotten the endorsement of Senator Eric Adams based upon his gun control record:

“… According to Senator Adams, Yassky has led the charge in gun control. According to Yassky’s press release, he helped enact important anti-crime statues including the Brady Law, Assault Weapons Ban, and Violence Against Women …”

While he was a staffer for then Congressman Charles Schumer he did help write those bills.

What’s this got to do with being Comptroller?  Nothing, of course.  His background is in law, not finance, so it’s not like he can go on at length about his qualifications.  In any event, Yassky must get through a 4-way Democrat primary in September and according to the latest poll he’s way behind in 3rd place.