Zeldin campaign kickoff

Lee Zeldin will formally announce he’s running for Senate in SD-3 next Saturday.  He ran for Congress last year against F-rated Tim Bishop in CD-1.

Liz Feld returns

Another RINO who won’t go away, Liz Feld, is in the news:

“… Liz Feld, the Republican mayor of Larchmont and a former White House aide, is strongly considering running for Senate against Gillibrand next year, according to people who have spoken with her. She has discussed the idea with Republican officials, including state chair Ed Cox, and taken preliminary steps toward mounting a campaign …”

Feld is a flaming antigunner.  She promoted the Million Mom March in Westchester back in 2000 and when she ran for State Senate last year she made it a point to include a campaign statement that she supports New Yorks gun laws.

“… Feld, who is pro-choice and describes herself as a moderate, is seen by many Republicans as one of the party’s most talented prospects …”

And that is the problem with the state GOP.

“… She won considerable praise within Republican circles last year for mounting a spirited challenge to State Sen. Suzi Oppenheimer …”

Spirited? She challenged a backbencher and was blown out of the water 2-1 on election day.

The terrorism angle

Mayor Mike has a new thing:  www.closetheterrorgap.org.  MAIG ran a full page ad in the Washington Post promoting federal legislation to prevent gun sales to anyone on the government’s terrorist watch list.  This would essentially allow the government to block gun sales to persons in secret and without due process.

Utica Mayor David Roefaro has jumped on this bandwagon as well.  I haven’t seen anything from other NY mayors listed as MAIG supporters.

State legislators brief filed

ILA reports on a brief filed by 900+ state legislators from around the county in support of incorporation.  Only two from New York signed on, Assemblywomen Ginny Fields (D-5) and Teresa Sayward (R-113).

State Association’s brief filed

A brief supporting incorporation in the McDonald v. Chicago has been filed by 40 of 50 State Associations including NYSRPA, TSRA, etc.

A little early for this predicition

John Gizzi at Human Events opines, “McCarthy On the Ropes?“:

“… Along with being a national voice for gun control, [Carolyn] McCarthy is also a dedicated liberal (lifetime American Conservative Union rating: 22%) on most other issues. The last time area Republicans made a serious effort at unseating her was in 2002, when physician Marilyn O’Grady drew 45% of the vote against McCarthy. But the outlook could change dramatically next year, as both conservative activists and GOP regulars are growing increasingly enthusiastic about the candidacy of visiting Hofstra University assistant law professor Frank Scaturro …”

Party hacks being enthused means nothing.  Let’s see some evidence the general public is excited about this guy.

“… “What issues will I run on? Everything!” Scaturro told me during a recent lunch in Washington. “Whether it’s [McCarthy’s] vote for the Obama stimulus package or healthcare with public option or her support for cap and trade, I’m not only presenting an opposite point of view but a positive alternative.” …”

Everything?  Does that include guns?  Put up or shut up.

Congressional support for McDonald v. Chicago

ILA reports that 251 Congressmen and 58 Senators have signed onto a brief in favor of 2nd Amendment incorporation to the states in the McDonald v. Chicago gun ban case.  Local reps. include:

You certainly don’t need guns to protect yourself

According to Mayor Mike:

… “In New York City, you certainly don’t need guns to protect yourself,” he says …

Guess he doesn’t read the Post:

“The seething straphanger who slashed a subway rider to death in front of petrified passengers was unprovoked and belligerent from the moment he stepped on the train, witnesses and authorities said yesterday … riders were stuck in the car with the killer … until the train pulled into the Seventh Avenue station minutes later …”

Follow the bouncing Ball

Greg Ball has apparently decided to switch gears and run for State Senate next year.  I don’t know if that means incumbent Vinnie Leibell is retiring or if there will be a GOP primary for party backing.  Leibell backed a primary challenger to Ball last year so it would not surprise me if it turns out to be the later.

Good news, bad news on Rudy

Mayor Rudy refuses to go away.  It’s not helping that the NY GOP is so bankrupt they keep his name in circulation rather than cultivate a new generation of political leaders.

The latest news is that he’s not interested in running for Governor next year.  That’s good.  Now it is being reported he’s considering a run for Senate against Kirsten Gillibrand instead and there is a new Marist poll that shows he’d beat her.  The only good thing about that is it would keep the equally detestable George Pataki out of the race.

New York desperately needs new political leadership, Republicans and Democrats.  Right now that seems unlikely.