Dick’s back

Richard Aborn is back at his old job on the NYC Citizen Crime Commission.  The Times reports:

“After taking a year off to campaign for Manhattan district attorney, Richard M. Aborn has returned as president of the Citizen Crime Commission of New York City … On the campaign trail and off, Mr. Aborn has continued to press on gun control … During the campaign, he issued a five-point plan that included regional interdiction approach to gun trafficking, more gun buyback programs, and a requirement that pistols sold in New York include micro-stamping technology.”

Yes he did and I gave him a humiliating man-beating on election day because of it.

McDonald hearing set

SCOTUS will hear oral arguments in McDonald v. Chicago on March 2, 2010.  A list of all the supporting briefs is online and Dave Hardy lists links to Dave Kopel’s commentary on a few of them.

The Brady’ s did file a brief where they argue against strict scrutiny:

“… Although the Heller Court did not articulate the proper standard of review, its opinion signaled that rigorous scrutiny would be inappropriate because it would impede the government’s ability to protect public health and safety …”

Strict scrutiny is the standard for things like freedom of speech.  It would require the government demonstrate there is a compelling need for a gun control law and would require any such law to be as narrowly defined as possible. This is the exact opposite of the position New York state has taken on gun ownership since the Sullivan Law.

Basically, the Brady’s have given up on fighting incorporation and are arguing that even though there is a 2nd Amendment right, states should still have the ability to do pretty much whatever they please.

Balboni considering Senate run

The Politico reports:

“A former Republican New York State Senator and state homeland security official, Mike Balboni, is weighing a challenge to Senator Kirsten Gillibrand next year, associates said today …”

Balboni is not at all pro-gun. The only thing he’s got going for him right now is that he is not as offensive as either Rudy, G. Elmer or Liz Feld.

State Association’s brief filed in McDonald case

The brief filed by NYSRPA, TSRA, ANJRPC and other State Associations in support of 2nd Amendment incorporation in the McDonald v. Chicago case has been filed.  It is available for download at www.nysrpa.org/files/StateFirearmAssociationsBrief-McDonald_v_Chicago.pdf.

AG candidate rumors

Some rumormongering from Rising Times:

Westchester District Attorney Janet DiFiore … is being seriously considered by State Democrats to run for Attorney General next year. Current AG Andrew Cuomo is running for Governor, and rising times hears that communications have been made between both Cuomo and DiFiore to consider DiFiore running on a statewide ticket with Cuomo. If Cuomo and DiFiore join forces, it gives DiFiore the edge over the several Democrats that will likely come forward to also run for AG, including state senator Jeff Klein …”

I haven’t heard DiFiore’s name come up before.  This is interesting as she was originally elected as a Republican and changed parties to run for re-election as a Democrat.

In addition to DiFiore and Klein, other possible AG candidates include Richard Brodsky and Eric Schneiderman.  None of these guys are pro-gun with Schneiderman being the biggest stinker.  A primary would be a good as everyone except DiFiore would have to give up their legislative seats to make a run for AG.

Zeldin campaign kickoff

Lee Zeldin will formally announce he’s running for Senate in SD-3 next Saturday.  He ran for Congress last year against F-rated Tim Bishop in CD-1.

Liz Feld returns

Another RINO who won’t go away, Liz Feld, is in the news:

“… Liz Feld, the Republican mayor of Larchmont and a former White House aide, is strongly considering running for Senate against Gillibrand next year, according to people who have spoken with her. She has discussed the idea with Republican officials, including state chair Ed Cox, and taken preliminary steps toward mounting a campaign …”

Feld is a flaming antigunner.  She promoted the Million Mom March in Westchester back in 2000 and when she ran for State Senate last year she made it a point to include a campaign statement that she supports New Yorks gun laws.

“… Feld, who is pro-choice and describes herself as a moderate, is seen by many Republicans as one of the party’s most talented prospects …”

And that is the problem with the state GOP.

“… She won considerable praise within Republican circles last year for mounting a spirited challenge to State Sen. Suzi Oppenheimer …”

Spirited? She challenged a backbencher and was blown out of the water 2-1 on election day.

The terrorism angle

Mayor Mike has a new thing:  www.closetheterrorgap.org.  MAIG ran a full page ad in the Washington Post promoting federal legislation to prevent gun sales to anyone on the government’s terrorist watch list.  This would essentially allow the government to block gun sales to persons in secret and without due process.

Utica Mayor David Roefaro has jumped on this bandwagon as well.  I haven’t seen anything from other NY mayors listed as MAIG supporters.