Making friends

Mayor Bloomberg isn’t.

From the Daily News, “Schumer asks Bloomberg to holster attacks against anti-gun-check Democrats“:

“Top U.S. Senate Democrats, including New York’s Chuck Schumer, want Mayor Michael Bloomberg to lay off his attacks Dems who voted against background checks for gun buyers …”

From ABC News, “Reid Warns Bloomberg Against Attacks on Democrats“:

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said today that he expressed his displeasure with Michael Bloomberg in a phone call this week over his plan to target Democratic senators who voted against gun legislation, but Reid conceded he could not control the mayor of New York City …”

Dems dissing Bloomberg

Didn’t take long for my previous statement to be proven true:

“… Bloomberg made his appeal in personal letters to hundreds of donors, arguing that denying the senators campaign cash would get them to change their positions on gun control.  But some of the donors called the mayor’s argument ridiculous, and they vowed to continue writing checks …”

Nice reality check.  Mayor Mike must be angry especially since the Daily News did a story on it.

“… Another donor – who has given money to several of the senators – said that Bloomberg is being “naïve” in focusing solely on gun control, since the senators support other positions that are helpful to the city …”

No, he’s being supremely arrogant.  It takes a helluva big ego to send letters to people, most of whom Bloomberg probably does not know personally, and tell them not to financially support candidates who do not support Bloomberg’s personal agenda.

Antis reloading

The antis are getting ready for another try in Congress.

First, Joe Biden will hold some sort of dog-and-pony show at the White House next week:

“… The focus will be President Barack Obama’s plan to protect communities and children by reducing gun violence …”

Second, Mayor Bloomberg is trying to cut off the flow of money to Democrats:

“… On Wednesday, Mr. Bloomberg will send a personal letter to hundreds of the biggest Democratic donors in New York urging them to cut off contributions to the four Democratic senators who helped block a bill in April that would have strengthened background checks on gun purchasers …”

I doubt Bloomberg’s effort will go over well.  Gun control is his pet issue.  It simply isn’t a big deal to most Democrats regardless of their personal opinions on the issue.

Marchione’s petition for repeal

Senator Kathy Marchione delivers 150,000+ signatures to Governor Cuomo calling for repeal of the SAFE Act.

Of course, both Cuomo and most of the media, will ignore this.

Protesting Jack Martins

Dean Skelos and the rest of the Long Island Republicans (except for Lee Zeldin) probably convinced themselves that their vote in favor of SAFE was a no-brainer, that gun control was widely popular in their area and there would not be any repercussions for their vote.

The first sign of problems with this notion arrived a couple of weeks ago when the President of the Suffolk Police Conference came out in support of full repeal.  The second sign came this Saturday when protesters gathered right by Jack Martins district office in Mineola.

Update on second NYC lawsuit

Update on the second lawsuit against New York City:

A Motion for Preliminary Injunction has been filed.  The City has to reply by June 11.  Plaintiffs then have until June 22 to file a response.  The presiding judge is Robert Sweet.

Biden tries to revive gun control

Joe Biden is trying to revive gun control in Congress.

At least that is the impression he wants to give.  It looks to me more like an effort just to collect names for the DNC than to actually move a gun control agenda.

Compare and contrast

Back in February, 12000 gun owners came to Albany to protest the SAFE Act.  The result:  no arrests, no disorderly conduct, nothing.

This week, a handful of racial leftists come to Albany to promote taxpayer funded elections (welfare for politicians.)  The result: one arrest and protesters are escorted out of the Senate gallery by the police.

Can’t get enough astroturf

This is so boring and predictable:

“A major Democratic donor launched a new campaign and corresponding website on Wednesday to target gun violence and the National Rifle Association (NRA).  Venture capitalist Kenneth Lerer’s website,, features videos, news articles, and images of gun violence in America.  It also offers people a platform to join a lobbying campaign to push for reform …”

There’s no need to even comment on this.  It will fail just like all the other phony astroturf efforts have.

Other potential changes

Once again in Albany, it’s 3 men in a room:

“… The leaders of the Senate and Assembly emerged from a hour-long closed-door meeting with Gov. Andrew Cuomo this afternoon saying a variety of outstanding issues were discussed … “There were a lot of things discussed today,” Senate Republican Leader Dean Skelos said, adding that his conference is considering proposed changes to the gun control law known as the SAFE Act.  “I know the Assembly passed something exempting retired police officers,” Skelos said. ”There’s a potential that there may be other changes to it.” …”

Repeal it.  It’s that simple.