Making friends

Mayor Bloomberg isn’t.

From the Daily News, “Schumer asks Bloomberg to holster attacks against anti-gun-check Democrats“:

“Top U.S. Senate Democrats, including New York’s Chuck Schumer, want Mayor Michael Bloomberg to lay off his attacks Dems who voted against background checks for gun buyers …”

From ABC News, “Reid Warns Bloomberg Against Attacks on Democrats“:

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said today that he expressed his displeasure with Michael Bloomberg in a phone call this week over his plan to target Democratic senators who voted against gun legislation, but Reid conceded he could not control the mayor of New York City …”

2 thoughts on “Making friends

  1. Make no mistake, none of them want to do us any good. The only disagreement is the best way to get us. Reid and his cohorts believe that they can get us by lying until they gain absolute power, and then watch what they do. Catastrophy! Manchin is the biggest fraud of all. Northeastern repubs are no better (with a very few exceptions). On a federal level, you can be thankfull that Romney did NOT win, because had he won, the rest of the repubs would have had a much tougher time saying no to him than saying no to Obama. Romney was a big anti and signed a gun ban in Mass. He would have turned on us on a dime after the CT tragedy.

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