Letters from Bloomberg

The AP reports that Mayor Bloomberg will be sending letters to political donors all over the country with suggestions as to how to spend their money.  50,000 New Yorkers will be getting them.

One of his suggestions is, of course, more gun control.  Per the Daily Politics:

“… There are five priorities listed on the 2010 card.  They are:  Education (reforms at the state level to improve New York’s chances of netting “Race to the Top” funds in round II), financial reform (ensure efforts in Congress to reform Wall Street don’t include “unitive measures” that hurt the city’s economy), illegal guns (microstamping at the state level, closing the gun show loophole at the federal level), immigration (reform in Congress), 9/11 health (long-term WTC health care for first responders, workers and survivors) …”

The size of this man’s ego is beyond description. His personal fortune is in the 16-17 billion dollar range and he’s got the nerve to tell other people he thinks they should spend their money to support his causes.  This wouldn’t be bad if they were philanthropic causes, like finding a cure for cancer.  They’re not.  He wants people to pay to support his political agenda.

Nuttyness planned for next week in Times Square

New Yorkers Against Gun Violence will be holding a “lie-in” in Times Square on the 16th to call for more gun control laws.  There’s an open invitation to attend.

Here’s video (with musical accompaniment) from a previous years event:

For more information on this idiocy check out Abby Spangler at Protest Easy Guns.

Utica passes antigun resolutions

The Utica City Council passed their two antigun resolutions yesterday.  The Observer-Dispatch covers it, “Council supports legislation against illegal guns“:

“The Common Council voted to approve two resolutions supporting pending federal gun control legislation Wednesday. The laws, known as the Terror Gap and Gun Show Loophole, have been championed by gun control advocates as a way of keeping illegal guns off the streets and out of the hands of criminals ..”

Bullshit.  Local governments do resolutions like this as a way of supporting bills outside their jurisdiction, most often for home-rule requests, but occassionally for other issues.  They aren’t legally binding but they do give encouragement to state and federal legislators wanting to push the issue.  That’s what they’re going for here.

“… Mayoral aide Angelo Roefaro, who also works as the upstate coordinator for advocacy group Mayors Against Illegal Guns, said he introduced the legislation first in Utica and will send it around the state next week so that other interested municipalities can decide if they support it …”

No surprise.  The NYC Clown Council has being doing this for years for all sorts of nutty causes.  MAIG is making a big push with this tactic next door in Pennsylvania as well.

On the positive side, the vote wasn’t unanimous:

“… Councilman Frank Vescera, D-1, said the council should have waited a week so that Dan Sullivan, the Oneida County Assistant Pistol Licensing Officer, could have a chance to come in and discuss the merits of the laws  … “Debate was not allowed on this process,” he said.”

Because if it was this stuff would never have brought up in the first place.

Paladino opens up on Levy

Carl Paladino opens up on Steve Levy:

“… If Democrat Steve Levy could take time off from admiring himself in the mirror he would realize he has no chance to win to the Republican primary with his liberal record and longstanding support for gay marriage, gun confiscation and abortion on demand …”

He’s basically right.  During his time in the Assembly Levy was part of the Borg and went along with whatever Shelly wanted on guns.

Koon not running for Congress

Now that it appears Gov. Paterson won’t be calling a special election to fill CD-29, David Koon has decided not to run for it and will instead go for another term in Albany.

With that out of the way, the question is now will he reintroduce all the antigun bills he killed last month?  I like this observation from Mustard Street:

“… The Democratic Party tolerates David Koon as someone who can milk a sympathy vote to hold that seat in the Assembly …”

He also milks sympathy votes for the antigun agenda.  Gun Control Day is two weeks away.  Plenty of time to resubmit bills.

Utica antigun resolutions 13 & 14

The Utica City Council is considering two resolutions in support of Mayor Bloomberg’s/MAIG’s efforts.

Resolution 13 is in support of HR-2159, prohibiting anyone on the terrorism watch list from buying a gun.  Nobody knows how many people are on this list, how they got there or how to get off it.  Ted Kennedy was denied boarding at an airport because he was on the list.

Resolution 14 is in support of HR-2324, closing the so-called “gun show loophole.”  Basically prohibits private gun sales.

A copy of both resolutions are available on the NYSRPA website here.

Man v. Bear

Armed citizen in Sullivan Co.:

“A Parksville man shot and killed a large adult black bear that was menacing his daughter at her Parksville home Sunday. The woman was inside with her four children. The bear attempted to break into a bedroom window of the home and swatted at the dog on the porch, said State Department of Environmental Conservation spokeswoman Wendy Rosenbach. EnCon and State Police were called to the scene, but before they arrived, the woman called her father, who came over. He fired a warning shot, but the bear did not budge, so he shot and killed the animal …”

Paladino kicks off campaign

Carl Paladino is set to kick off his campaign today.  We should be able to tell soon whether or not he’s serious both about running for Governor and about appealing to gun owners.  His website has changed Sportsmen for Carl to Gun Owners for Carl.

Broome D.A. to push renewable licenses

Broome County D.A. Gerald Mollen plans to push for statewide renewable pistol licenses according to WRNG.  I don’t think he’ll get very far pushing the state reps. from the county to advance that agenda, but he’s going to have to go in the next election.  His term is up in 2011.

Brodsky announces AG run

Richard Brodsky has formally declared he is running for Attorney General.

He’s not pro-gun, but he’s nowhere near as bad as Eric Schneiderman who is also thinking about running.