News of the day

Dick Nelson was at yesterdays Sportsman’s Breakfast.  He writes about in his latest column, “Sportsmen get to the meat of the matter.

The Onatrio Co. rifle hunting bill A-9123 is dead in the Assembly.

The big Syracuse gun show is this weekend at the State Fairgrounds.

New Yorkers Against Gun Violence will be holding  several “lie-ins” tomorrow in the Bronx, Brooklyn and Manhattan.  Abby Spangler is outraged and will demonstrate this through her gross overuse of the Caps Lock button in her Facebook postings.

Ongoing problems for one of the few pro-gun Senate Democrats Bill Stachowski.  The Capitol covers his primary and general election challenges, “Full Deck Of Candidates Stacked Against Stachowski In Pivotal Senate Race.

What’s Up NY-23? on the 3 GOP challangers for Kirsten Gillibrand.  Not a very inspiring bunch.

Bloomberg bill dead in the Assembly

Mayor Bloomberg’s latest idea, prohibiting carrying while intoxicated, was killed in the Assembly.  The enacting clause has been stricken from A-9902.

Sportsmen’s Breakfast

I went to the 3rd annual Sportsman’s Breakfast sponsored by Ginny Fields in Albany today.  Turnout was better than last year, around 300 or so people attended.  You can tell it’s an election year by the number of politicians, some of whom are not friendly on our issue, who showed up.

Bullis takes a pass

One month after announcing his bid for State Assembly, Gary Bullis has changed his mind and decided against running for the open seat in AD-115.  At least we did get some free press out of it courtesy of WKTV:

“… Bullis is not endorsing any candidate at this time, but is committing to continue to represent the people’s concerns by working behind the scenes. “I will continue to represent the taxpayers’ concerns on issues through my ongoing political involvement with organizations like New York State Conservation Council (NYSCC), New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC), National Rifle Association, New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, Herkimer County Conservation Alliance, New York State Outdoorsman Hall of Fame and the Teddy Roosevelt Conservation Partnership“, states Bullis …”

Forsythe considering Assembly bid

The Ogdensburg Journal reports that St. Lawrence County Legislator David Forsythe is considering running for State Assembly in AD-118.  He was one of the co-sponsors of a county resolution last year RES 236-2009 opposing renewable pistol license legislation in Albany.

Schneiderman running for AG

Eric Schneiderman has formally announced his bid for the Democrat nomination for state attorney general.  He sponsors the bulk of the antigun bills in the Senate and intends to make the issue part of his campaign.

Legislative Report #22

Legislative Report #22 is now online.

Next weeks legislative agenda:

Assembly Codes, Tuesday April 13.

A-5696C, requires employees of dealers in firearms to submit to state and national criminal background checks.

MAIG mayor in big trouble

White Plains Mayor Adam Bradley is in big trouble over domestic violence allegations against his wife.  Now he’s been rearrested on witness tampering charges after trying to persuade his wife to recant her accusations and say she is mentally ill and lied to police.

One City Councilman has suggested he step down from office.  Haven’t heard a thing from Mayor Mike, though.  Bradly joined Mayors Against Illegal Guns after taking office last year.  If convicted Bradly will join a growing list of other MAIG supporters convicted of assault, corruption, theft, child molestation and more.

Letters from Bloomberg

The AP reports that Mayor Bloomberg will be sending letters to political donors all over the country with suggestions as to how to spend their money.  50,000 New Yorkers will be getting them.

One of his suggestions is, of course, more gun control.  Per the Daily Politics:

“… There are five priorities listed on the 2010 card.  They are:  Education (reforms at the state level to improve New York’s chances of netting “Race to the Top” funds in round II), financial reform (ensure efforts in Congress to reform Wall Street don’t include “unitive measures” that hurt the city’s economy), illegal guns (microstamping at the state level, closing the gun show loophole at the federal level), immigration (reform in Congress), 9/11 health (long-term WTC health care for first responders, workers and survivors) …”

The size of this man’s ego is beyond description. His personal fortune is in the 16-17 billion dollar range and he’s got the nerve to tell other people he thinks they should spend their money to support his causes.  This wouldn’t be bad if they were philanthropic causes, like finding a cure for cancer.  They’re not.  He wants people to pay to support his political agenda.

Nuttyness planned for next week in Times Square

New Yorkers Against Gun Violence will be holding a “lie-in” in Times Square on the 16th to call for more gun control laws.  There’s an open invitation to attend.

Here’s video (with musical accompaniment) from a previous years event:

For more information on this idiocy check out Abby Spangler at Protest Easy Guns.