News of the day

Pete King introduced HR-2159 which would allow the Attorney General to arbitrarily deny 2nd Amendment rights to anyone the AG wants under the guise of preventing terrorism.  Carolyn McCarthy and Charlie Rangel are co-sponsors.

The Brady’s will be holding a fundraiser on October 6 in NYC. Cheap seats for their “Stand Up for a Safe America Gala” are only $250.

Nothing good will come of this.  Dick Nelson reports: “… the New York State Conservation Council held its annual fall conclave last weekend electing a slate of officers that brought a few familiar faces to the board … Howard Cushing — by way of not having another candidate — is back at the helm …”

Bloomberg way ahead

Mayor Bloomberg holds a 52% – 36% lead over Democrat Bill Thompson according to the latest Quinnipiac poll.

He’s never going away.  I already saw talk of him running for a 4th term in 2013.

Latest Liu/Yassky polling

The latest Quinnipiac poll shows John Liu with 49% – 43% lead over David Yassky.  Turnout is critical.  Only about 11% of registered Democrats voted on the 15th and I expect it will be a little less on the 29th.  We can make a difference if our side shows up to vote.

Lazio announces run

Rick Lazio announced today he’s running for Governor.

Gunnies know he’s a stinker.

So does the general public.  He’s trailing Paterson in the latest poll 39% – 35%.

News of the day

New York is now officially a banana republic.

People do not want Rudy to run for Governor or against Kirsten Gillibrand:

“… Only 41 percent of Republicans want Giuliani to run for governor, while 35 percent would like to see him challenge Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand …”

Suffolk Co. legislator Jon Cooper still considering a primary against Gillibrand, though.

Our legislature is clueless.  Finger Lakes Times headline: “Aw, shoot: Wrong law passed.”

“… Bristol Supervisor Wayne Houseman told the Board of Supervisors Thursday night that state lawmakers approved the law, but their version inadvertently made it permissible to use rifles to hunt deer and bear throughout the county, not just south of Routes 5&20 as local legislators had intended …”

Plaxico Burress gets two years for violating the Sullivan Act and pissing off Mayor Bloomberg.

Where’s the bill?

Here’s an article on Bloomberg & McCarthy’s latest PSH over the Senate vote to allow guns to be transported by Amtrak passengers:

“… Speaking to the notion that having guns on trains may prevent deaths and injuries if an attack occurred, because they would help the passengers defend themselves, Congresswoman McCarthy replied that having more guns on the train would only result in more, not less damage …”

Yes, but nobody cares if some thug or terrorist gets shot during the commission of an act of violence.

While I’m reading it, it occurred to me that McCarthy has not introduced a new version of AWB.  I find that a bit odd.  This is her biggest issue and 9 months into the new Congress and she hasn’t done anything about it.

Obama asks Paterson to dropout

Some rumormongering:

“National Democratic Party leaders have asked Gov. David Paterson to consider withdrawing from the 2010 governor’s race, according to two senior New York Democratic advisers … The New York Times … said that it was President Barack Obama who asked Paterson to withdraw. Party leaders in Washington have become concerned about Paterson’s political weakness, believing the governor’s office is too important to risk losing …”

Not to worry.  Even with Paterson’s approval rating around 20%, the last poll I saw had him beating Rick Lazio.

Liu/Yassky runoff shaping up

It looks like the Bronx, Queens and Staten Island Democrats are going with John Liu in the Comptroller runoff as are the Communications Workers of America.  3rd place  candidate Melinda Katz is backing David Yassky.