Another 90s flashback

Another Cuomo is having flashbacks to the 90s, the Governor’s sister Maria:

“On this Mother’s Day, it is hard not to feel inspired and hopeful by the robust and sophisticated grassroots movement building of moms across America who have organized to fight for safer gun law legislation.  And although disappointed by the lack political leadership on the issue, Mother’s Day offers a chance to recognize the undeniable force that is growing since the Newtown tragedy.  If nothing else, we, moms, know how to get things done.  On Labor Day 1999, My friend advocate mentor, and Million Mom March founder Donna Dees launched an unprecedented political gathering of mothers in D.C.  With nothing more than a website and a permit to march, 25 moms and a NYC police lieutenant joined Donna at a press conference to announce that they were giving Congress nine months to pass sensible laws …”

That is patently false.  Donna Dees-Thomas was a bigwig at CBS and BFF of Hillary Clinton.  The whole MMM was professional dog-and-pony show put on with the help of the Clintons and their cronies.  Then, like now, the antigunners were trying to fool politicians and the public with astroturf.