What backlash?

Crain’s NY Business senses a chill in the air at the capitol:

“A state legislative session chilled by a gun-control backlash and corruption scandals took on new life last week when Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced he would push for approval of casino gambling now, rather than postpone that effort until 2014.  Meanwhile, legislative leaders were moving toward agreements on a response to the scandals and on the governor’s women’s rights agenda.  Albany had been in a standstill since its rushed passage of a gun-control law earlier this year sank the Democratic governor’s popularity upstate and inflicted Senate Republican leader Dean Skelos with buyer’s remorse …”

The media has repeatedly stated there is overwhelming public support for Cuomo’s gun control law.  If this is true, then:

  1. Why does Crain’s report there has been a backlash in the legislature?
  2. If the Governor’s popularity decline has been upstate, then why is he running ads touting SAFE in the NYC market?

“… When Mr. Cuomo met several weeks ago with Mr. Skelos, the governor found the Long Island lawmaker determined to avoid another gun-control scenario.  “Skelos said, ‘You’re not leading me down that path again,’ ” one Albany insider explained.  Translation: The governor won’t get public financing of political campaigns, an expansion of abortion rights, decriminalization of low-level marijuana possession or anything else that smells funny to Senate Republicans …”

Why not?  If SAFE is great and the public loves it, why not do it all again for other issues? A creditable news outlet would ask these questions.  This leaves out tabloids like the Daily News and Journal News.