Bloomberg’s revenge on Cuomo

Mayor Mike is getting his revenge against Governor Cuomo for trying to pass off the blame for SAFE onto to him:

“… After a week of almost non-stop corruption revelations … Bloomberg also included Gov. Andrew Cuomo in his revulsion of all things Albany, implying that one of the things that aids corruption is the practice of the governor sending lawmakers something called a “message of necessity” so a bill can pass quickly, without anyone having a the chance to study it.  “Why can’t you give it time?  Well, the answer is they don’t want anybody to see it.  It’s the only explanation,” Bloomberg said …”


24 thoughts on “Bloomberg’s revenge on Cuomo

  1. Ya know, the other thing that aids corruption, Mikey? Strong arming the City Council into suspending the term limits law which was voted on TWICE by the little people so you could run for an illegal 3rd term.

  2. …setting the stage for who gets the blame for the death of the Safe Act. Cuomo will say it’s Bloombergs bill, Bloomberg will claim its the message of necessity. Watch and see….

  3. Wow, airbag @Bloomberg, threw liberal demotard @NYGOVCUOMO under under the bus. Now this was after Cuomo threw Bloomberg under the bus along with the Bradys, but then two days later Cuomo was kissing Bloomberg’s ass on his official twitter account…. liberal democrat, lying, crooked, morally and ethically corrupt.

  4. Funny, I don’t remember Mr. Nanny blasting Cuomo about it when he did it. His silence as Cuomo betrayed New Yorkers earned him an equal share of it.

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