Obama’s taskforce not want antis want

President Obama is setting up a taskforce led by Joe Biden to examine the issues in the wake of the Newtown murders.

The antigunners cannot be happy with this.  They want nothing less than a blanket endorsement of their all their proposals backed up with concrete action from the Administration and Congress.  It goes back to what I posted earlier, that the gun control movement is dying out.  If they cannot move a legislative agenda now it’s over for them, at least on the national level.

One thought on “Obama’s taskforce not want antis want

  1. After Obama had said that he would put the full power of his office behind his effort to further damage our rights, I had to laugh when I heard that he had delegated it to the vice president. He’s limiting his bet on this because he knows that he stands to lose.
    Biden? I’m still laughing. He was a vicious enemy of gun owners when he was in Congress. There’s an extra motivation to beating our old friend, Joe “Bananas” Biden. We owe him. Thank you for the motivation, Mr. President. We’ll be sure to put it to good use.

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