State of the State

Gov. Cuomo is being coy on gun control.  It looks like we’re going to have to wait until January 9 to see what the deal is.

5 thoughts on “State of the State

  1. From the way it looks (other articles on NY specific gun control) they are looking to expand the AWB. How likely do you that this will actually happen?

  2. Microstamping would have had no impact on the Newton incident. It’s not like they had to figure out where the shell casings came from. They’ve gotten nowhere with microstamping in the past, and it doesn’t apply to their current catalyst, so they may take a different direction. They feel emboldened now.
    Authorizing teachers with carry licenses to, uh, carry, would be a good preventative measure, but they will studiously avoid doing anything that might be effective. They do not want that. It would interfere with their gun ban agenda. They need a bigger body count and they mean to get it. I think that some of them actually enjoy the cycle of grieving over dead kids, and then angrily pushing gun control afterwards, which makes for more dead kids they can grieve over. They seem to find it fulfilling.
    Arming teachers? “Frankly I think it’s absurd,” said Gayle Fallon of the American Federation of Teachers. Sorry kids, you’ll just have to die if someone attacks you, because defending your lives is “absurd”. Home schooling is looking better all the time.

  3. He’s made vague statements on guns before. We’re going to have to wait until 1/9 to see what exactly he means.

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