Wrong, Bill

Former President Bill Clinton has advice for Obama on how to deal with the gun issue:

“President Barack Obama should not bother trying to pass gun-control legislation because the issue is partly cultural and Obama is from an urban area, former President Bill Clinton said Thursday … The former president said Obama is from Chicago and “he was in the state Senate from the most liberal district in Chicago.”  Clinton said he was able to sign the 1993 Brady handgun law, which mandated federal background checks for gun buyers, because he was from Arkansas, had grown up among hunters and had hunted in his youth.  “I knew what to do,” Clinton said. “They couldn’t turn me into some freak, and I went after them.” …”

Bullshit.  Clinton had a big majority in Congress, just like Obama started with, and used it to push through unpopular programs (Brady and the AWB), just like Obama did (ObamaCare and Porkulus), and the result was scores of Democrats getting booted out of office in ’94, and again in ’08.  That is the real reason Obama hasn’t been going after gun owners: he learned from Clinton’s mistake not to mess with gun owners.  He did not learn not to push other wildly unpopular ideas on the American people.

Bill Clinton has a admitted previously that his gun control agenda cost the Democrats the House in ’94 and Al Gore the presidency in 2000.  There’s no need for him to say stuff like this.

One thought on “Wrong, Bill

  1. Bill’s new explanation is that the Clinton AWB was all about his success, but that’s not surprising for a narcissistic sociopath.
    Yes, he does ignore the fact that he had a Democrat majority in Congress that would give him whatever he asked.
    Bill Clinton’s legacy is that he cheated Al Gore and the Democrats out of the presidency with the backlash that resulted from his failed and now defunct AWB. It was a merely a Clintonian victory, which is to say that it was no victory at all.

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