Bloomberg is hiring

Everytown is hiring staff for their New York City office:

This is Mike Bloomberg’s money at work.

Making Jeb look good

In a shameless pandering move, Jeb Bush sent out this Tweet:

Fair enough. Although I don’t really like him, he does have a decent record on guns.

Little Andrew then had to open his mouth and suddenly Jeb starts looking a whole lot better than before:

“… “I think unfortunately too much of the politics is about a race to the bottom and playing to peoples’ fears,” Cuomo said. “To say that a handgun is America — I mean, what are you trying to say? You’re really playing to peoples’ fears in the worst sense. I don’t think it’s helpful. I don’t even think it works politically.” …”

This from the man whose political career on the national stage came to end when he decided to promote gun control.

Good question

About time someone asked this question:

“… Do you really want Donald Trump choosing the next Supreme Court justice? By all indications, meanwhile, Trump hasn’t given a moment’s thought to the Constitution. I wouldn’t be surprised if he thinks the U.S. Constitution is a luxury yacht …”

Exactly. I could see him choosing anyone from Judge Wapner to Judge Dredd.

NRA often goes overboard with the hysterics, but they are dead-on with this statement:

“… “In my view, all the chips are on the table in this election because the impact is who gets the Supreme Court,” said the NRA’s chief, Allan D. Cors …”

Still dead

Antonin Scalia is still dead.

The Senate has to confirm any new nominee and Majority Leader Mitch McConnell does not appear interested in holding hearings until after the election:

“… “The American people‎ should have a voice in the selection of their next Supreme Court Justice,” he said in a statement. “Therefore, this vacancy should not be filled until we have a new President.” …”

Democrats are upset, but it did not take long for their own words to come back to haunt them:

“… Charles Schumer decried the intent of many Senate Republicans to prevent President Barack Obama from appointing the successor to deceased Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia. But less than a decade ago, Schumer advocated doing the same exact thing if any additional Supreme Court vacancies opened under former President George W. Bush …”

Both parties have an interest in delaying seating a new justice. They can use the issue to raise money and excite the base for the upcoming fall elections.

Scalia dead

Justice Antonin Scalia dropped dead while on a hunting trip in Texas.

The last thing we need is Obama appointing another SCOTUS Justice.  I do not know if the Senate is obligated to take up appointments in a timely manner or if they can hold it over until after the election.

Maybe this will motivate people to start taking the election more seriously.

Wonder what Plan C is?

The Connecticut Post reports:

“… Runaway victories by Trump and the populist Vermont senator Sanders have unsettled groups such as Connecticut Against Gun Violence and the Newtown Action Alliance … Neither candidate stands up to their litmus test like Clinton, the gun-control groups say, citing Sanders’ voting record and Trump’s machismo rhetoric … Clinton’s stumble could create an opening for another favorite gun-control crusader, former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who is weighing a third-party bid for president. “Of course, Bloomberg has been very helpful on our issue, and we would see (his possible candidacy) as a good thing,” said Ron Pinciaro, executive director of Connecticut Against Gun Violence …”

Oh my God are these people people deluded.

The Donald has a proven record of supporting gun control while Bernie has a D- rating from NRA. Pinciaro should be happy with this plus what they’ve gotten out of Hillary which is a heck of a lot more than they deserve considering their astroturf status.

“… “There is some concern that as to how supportive (Sanders) would be to our causes,” Pinciaro said …”


“… Scott Wilson, president of the 21,000-member Connecticut Citizens Defense League, said Sanders isn’t much of an upgrade from Clinton for gun owners.  “I don’t really see Sanders as a protector of the Second Amendment,” Wilson said. “I believe, being from Vermont, he’s tolerated the fact that people own guns there.” …”

Yep. Plus Bernie just might not care that much about the issue.

“… Trump previously declared his support for an assault weapons ban in his 2000 book, “The America We Deserve.” “It’s so hard to say with Trump, because his positions are so different from his positions at other times,” Pinciaro said. “You wonder if some of his positions are geared toward the electoral constituency, (as opposed) to what he really believes.” …”

He’s full of it. The only thing Trump believes in is himself.

Another Hillary gun control ad

Gibson announces gubernatorial campaign

Congressman Chris Gibson announced he is forming a gubernatorial committee for ’18 and made a comment about rolling back the SAFE Act prompting this comment from Assembly Majority Leader Morelle:

Antigun astroturf chimed in as well:

“… “The idea that Chris Gibson claims to be a ‘moderate’ while vowing to repeal some of the strongest gun safety laws in the nation is laughable,” the statement says. “New York State stands up to the corporate gun lobby in support of gun laws that save lives. Mr. Gibson, bought by the NRA for $14,900, is more interested in protecting the profits of a craven gun industry than he is in protecting the lives of his constituents.” …”

Bill Nojay jumps in and tells it like it is:

Meeting Mosley

Back in October Assemblyman Walter Mosley announced he joined the NRA to learn more about the other side.

Today I met him in his Albany office. A few observations:

  • I believe he is sincere in learning about the other side of the argument. I told him he is the first such legislator to consider doing that in the 25 years I’ve been following gun politics.
  • He said he did receive a little negative feedback back home after joining NRA.
  • He is planning on attending the annual meeting in Louisville and the legal seminar.
  • He does not have any first hand experience shooting. He has only handled a gun belonging to a relative.
  • He has limited knowledge of firearms laws outside the state. He has spoken with the local DA and with one out of state. I told him at some point in the future NYC law is going to change either through Congressional action (reciprocity) and/or court cases (Peruta, Kolbe, etc.).

Overall, I think he is a decent enough guy. Hopefully he will keep his open mind.

Maybe a minor plus for Bernie

From the AP wire, “Gun Control Issue Not Resonating As Key Issue For NH Primary“:

“… The gun culture is alive and well here, and with a population overwhelmingly familiar with and comfortable with firearms, gun-control issues that have resonated across the nation barely register among voters getting ready for Tuesday’s presidential primary …”

Gun control has not resonated across the nation.  It is being kept alive in a few states (NY, NJ, etc.) and urban areas known for their far Left politicians and institutional corruption (NY, NJ, etc.)

The issue is only getting some attention in the national press because one very wealthy person, Michael Bloomberg, is keeping the gun control movement alive almost by himself by dumping tens of millions of his own dollars into it.  Without him the movement would be largely bankrupt.

The only candidate who might get a little mileage out of it is Bernie Sanders.  His record is slightly less offensive than Hillary Clinton’s and might help him in Monday’s primary.