Good question

About time someone asked this question:

“… Do you really want Donald Trump choosing the next Supreme Court justice? By all indications, meanwhile, Trump hasn’t given a moment’s thought to the Constitution. I wouldn’t be surprised if he thinks the U.S. Constitution is a luxury yacht …”

Exactly. I could see him choosing anyone from Judge Wapner to Judge Dredd.

NRA often goes overboard with the hysterics, but they are dead-on with this statement:

“… “In my view, all the chips are on the table in this election because the impact is who gets the Supreme Court,” said the NRA’s chief, Allan D. Cors …”

One thought on “Good question

  1. Ted Cruz has given the most coherent, cohesive, sensible, rational defense of the Second Amenment. Trump is volatile, incoherent, and irrational in his support of the Second Amendment.
    I support Cruz. I’m no newbie to this. I’ve been raped by Pataki and Cuomo. I support Cruz.

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