Legislative Report #11

Legislative Report #11 is now online.

The state legislature returns for regular sessions on Monday, January 13.

Mayor Warren should be comforted by SAFE

The new Mayor of Rochester Lovely Warren wants armed security:

“… Warren has made the decision to employ an armed personal security detail. The two-man team will be on call 24/7 to guard the Mayor and provide transportation to and from her home …”

The hypocrisy must be exposed:

Rochester Mayor Lovely Warren’s decision to surround herself with an armed security detail 24/7 demonstrates the fraudulent nature of the citizen disarmament movement.

As a long time supporter of gun control dating back to her time in the Rochester City Council, last year she spoke out in favor of New York’s so-called SAFE Act stating:

“The New York SAFE Act brings a sense of comfort to many families across this state. Those families, like mine, have said not here, not anymore.”

If Mayor Warren really believes this, then there is no legitimate reason for her to have armed security because the SAFE Act makes her becoming a victim of violent crime impossible.

The New York State Rifle & Pistol Association calls upon Mayor Warren to dismiss her security and live with the same sense of comfort she advocated for city residents.

Big difference from last year

Last year Governor Cuomo went nuts with gun control in his State of the State address.  This year all we got was this:

“… We said we would make New York Safer and we did.  We passed common sense gun reform with the New York SAFE Act. …”

Doesn’t sound very enthusiastic does he?

Legislation to be proud of

McCarthy retiring

The wicked witch of Nassau is going to retire:

“Senior Democratic aides say two House Democrats — Carolyn McCarthy of New York and Mike McIntyre of North Carolina — plan to retire.  McCarthy, who has served nine terms, was elected shortly after her husband was killed in a shooting on the Long Island Railroad. She has been a forceful advocate for gun control …”

She has cancer.  In spite of smoking like a chimney for like 40 years, she claims asbestos exposure is the cause.  I say it’s karma.

Bloomberg keeping busy

Former Mayor Mike is keeping himself busy:

“In his first big donation as a private citizen, former Mayor Michael Bloomberg gave $2.5 million of his personal fortune to a superPAC that is helping Democratic Senators maintain their majority … The donation from the billionaire was made to the Senate Majority PAC … The PAC is run by former aides to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and was founded in 2011.  “Mike Bloomberg and Senator Reid worked closely together over the last several years on issues that matter to New Yorkers, most especially around the Sandy Aid package and gun safety measures,” ex-Deputy Mayor Howard Wolfson explained of the donation …”

Cuomo on court ruling

Where’s my wheelbarrow full of cash?

Brian Donnelly writes to the Buffalo News:

As the 2013 big game season ends, I wonder how many hunters boycotted it. I did. I didn’t buy the licenses, the ammo, another game camera or anything else.

I did too.  But then I do that every year as I don’t hunt.

The big game hunters of New York State are the only successful and dependable tool Albany has to manage the deer and bear populations. The National Rifle Association, the Shooters Committee on Political Education and the New York State Rifle and Pistol Association are the loudest voices in the face of the SAFE Act. Yet they didn’t call for a boycott of our big game season. Why?

Because there was no way it was going to accomplish anything even if it worked, which it wasn’t going to in the first place.  It doesn’t address the issue.

The passing of the SAFE Act created a windfall of profits for firearm and ammunition manufacturers and retailers. It increased memberships in every Second Amendment rights organization nationally and statewide. SCOPE membership is said to have doubled.

The 637,176 big game licenses sold in 2011 generated $30.2 million! That is just the “big game” segment of sales. The solidarity of small game hunters, trappers and fishermen standing together in total non-participation of this current season would have sent a shockwave of opposition to Albany – license revenue, sales tax revenue, retailers screaming bloody murder.

These “sportsmen” are already standing together in near total non-participation in the political process. Has a single “sportsmen’s” group taken issue with Governor Cuomo trying to portray himself as their best bud?  No.  Not a single member of the state legislature or statewide candidate for public office has been elected or un-elected because of the actions of “sportsmen” and they all know it.  That is the issue.

Total deer take for 2012 was 242,957, based on a statewide hunter reporting rate of 44.3 percent. Think about a quarter million deer still walking around the state now. And 100,000 or more fawns next spring. The statewide 2012 black bear harvest was 1,337 animals.

This means nothing in Albany.

That’s a protest, raising awareness in non-hunters and the anti-gun public. Clear-thinking New Yorkers know there are fat cats at the top of most organizations. The NRA has them; SCOPE and NYSRPA are growing them, too. The loudest voices really don’t want to solve the problem. It’s a simple dog-and-pony show to grow membership, increasing their revenue.

Fat cats?  I don’t get paid anything.  Where’s my wheelbarrow full of cash?

Pandering to the Fudds

Gov. Cuomo is pandering to the Fudds:

“New Yorkers will soon be able to link hunting and fishing licenses to their driver’s license under a plan set to be revealed Wednesday as part of Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s State of the State address.  Under Cuomo’s plan, those who own hunting and fishing permits, a boating safety certificate or certain state park passes will be able to list them on their driver license, eliminating the need to carry multiple documents … Cuomo has been heavily criticized by gun-rights activists for the Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act … But he’s a known sportsman, having made semi-regular trips to the Adirondacks to fish since taking office in 2011.  Last year, Cuomo lowered fees for annual hunting and fishing permits, tweaking the fee schedule in a budget plan approved by the Legislature.”

Shootings up in Poughkeepsie? Impossible.

A week ago the Poughkeepsie Journal reported an increase of shootings in the city:

“… The highest number of shootings in at least six years meant long days for City of Poughkeepsie police detectives and tragic news for a handful of victims’ families.  Thirty-four people were shot in 33 incidents in the city this year — five of them fatally — but city police administrators remain hopeful their efforts will curb gun violence and illegal gun ownership in the city in 2014 …”

Clearly this is not possible:

“I’m writing with regard to your Dec. 30 article claiming an increase of shootings in Poughkeepise over the past year. Reporter Roberto Cruz must have made a mistake as the article is simply is not believable.

In January 2013, Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed the “nation’s toughest gun control law” thereby making it impossible for such events to occur. In addition, Mayor John Tkazyik has been a member of so-called Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG) for years and has allowed his name to be used in numerous citizen disarmament campaigns orchestrated by MAIG at the state and federal levels. Tkazyik even accepted a personal campaign contribution from MAIG founder Michael Bloomberg.

In light of these facts, I do not see how your story could possibly be accurate.

I trust the editor will deliver suitable denunciation to Cruz for such “shoddy” reporting.”