They will be back

As expected, the Senate did not take up any gun bills yesterday.  They might come back next month for another special session to deal with more budget issues.

News of the day

Tom Libous has been telling people the Senate will not be taking up any gun bills during today’s special session.  I’ve seen several copies of a letter his office is sending around.

Doug Hoffman wants to be the Conservative Party nominee to run in the CD-23 special election.  His campaign website says he supports the 2A.

Members of the Dewitt Fish & Game Club won a team championship trophy last weekend in the state AIM Youth Championship.

There’s a new website for shotgunners, Sporting Clays New York.

Charles Schumer, Majority Leader

Just what the country needs, Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer:

“… “I think he’s the future majority leader,” said Representative Eliot Engel of New York, in response to a general question about Mr. Schumer’s influence. “I do.” …”

Rules bills for tomorrow

I just got the list of bills on Senate Rules Committee agenda for tomorrow’s special session.  Still no gun bills on it.

Bloomberg v. NRA

The Washington Post has an article in today’s paper on Mayor Mike’s effort to block the Thune amendment, “A Battle of Goliaths: Michael Bloomberg and His Anti-Gun Group Take on the NRA.”  The interesting part is on page 3 where Bloomberg’s Criminal Justice Coordinator John Feinblatt takes credit for Arlen Specter’s vote against the amendment causing it to come up a couple votes short.  Specter has to get through a primary against Congressman Joseph Sestak next year.  Sestak was endorsed by the Brady’s last year and is one of the few to get some campaign money out of them.

Nadler endorses Aborn

Congressman Jerry Nadler endorses Richard Aborn. He refers to Aborn as “a leader on gun control” at 1:15.

Preventing traffic fatalities through gun control

Richard Aborn is trying to make the argument that his experience with gun owner liability/mandatory storage laws can be applied to traffic accidents.  See his op-ed at the Huffington Post.

Exceeding expectations

According to the Daily News, “Plaxico Burress can expect little mercy from New York’s weapons law.” They ignore the fact that New York routinely gives special treatment to celebrities, the wealthy and politically connected when it comes to gun law.

Special session Thursday

The Senate is scheduled for a special session this Thursday. Gun issues are not on the agenda as of now.