Like father, like son

That’s because the last big decision he made (on gun control) was such a total miscalculation, it removed him as a presidential contender just like it did for his old man over 20 years ago. The boy Cuomo was too stupid to learn from his father and thus history repeats itself.

One thought on “Like father, like son

  1. On a couple of occasions I had the fortuitous opportunity to be a director and VP of an engineering department. I knew, by having watched other people in that position that to succeed, you needed to be very sensitive to the needs of your subordinates, to really LISTEN, and to have a whole bunch of give and compromise (especially with creative types, but really, with anybody). You needed to be able to check your ego at the door. The worst thing a person in authority can do is be a total fucking dick. It doesn’t work, everybody hates you, they will not be there for you, and you will fail. Thats what Albany did. Not just Cuomo (FUAC!), but almost all of them. And they aught have known better! We attribute some great intelligence, etc. to these people, but its obviously false. Obama knew enough to at least start off with some restraint, as hard as it must have been for him, but now as a lame duck, his true persona has also emerged. He’s a total fucking commie dick. Cuomo is all that plus a moron who fucked himself right out of the gate.

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