Huge Bloomberg defeat

Mayor Mike eats it in Colorado recall elections:

“Two Colorado Democrats who provided crucial support for a slate of tough new gun-control laws were voted out of office on Tuesday in a recall vote widely seen as a test of popular support for gun restrictions … The recall elections ousted two Democratic state senators, John Morse and Angela Giron, and replaced them with Republicans. Both defeats were painful for Democrats – Mr. Morse’s because he had been Senate president, and Ms. Giron’s because she represented a heavily Democratic, working-class slice of southern Colorado … As money and national attention poured into Colorado … the races became a symbol of the nation’s bitter fight over gun control, with one side bolstered by Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg of New York and the other by the National Rifle Association …”

So how bad was it exactly for Bloomberg?

5 thoughts on “Huge Bloomberg defeat

  1. Couple of interesting things: I believe that these upsets were in majority dem areas. BUT, they are more blue collar working folks (union?), and not the upper west side manhatten gender bender commie crowd. Also, I believe this POS Giron was the one who condescendingly told a guy from Denver, who complained that his ability to defend himself against a home invasion would be compromised, that he “was lucky to be living so close to the Denver Police Dept” and that he “would probably be killed anyway”. FUCK HER! The only sad part is that they did not send Evie Houdak back to Brooklyn which is where she came from. I caught that immediately when I first heard that POS open her big mouth – googled her – and, wow, – how did I know that? LOL

  2. Every dollar Bloomberg spends, saves the NRA ten.
    Fortunately, Manhattan’s douchebag is too arrogant to acknowledge his own counterproductivity! Spend on, yer honner! Spend on!

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