CA microstamping goes into effect

Bad news from California. Microstamping goes into effect for all new handguns sold in the state.

This is going to embolden it’s proponents here.

13 thoughts on “CA microstamping goes into effect

  1. Setting aside whether this is a smart idea or not, let’s assume it is for a moment (don’t flame me here) WHY would you want to exempt law enforcement? Wouldn’t I want to know what guns where used from a law enforcement point of view too? I’m very confused by the law enforcement exemption.

  2. The reason to exempt law enforcement is because micro stamping could make a gun unreliable and malfunction. The politicians don’t want the people that protect them running around with useless hunks of metal.

  3. Microstamping = 7-round magazines. Unconstitutional Restraint of Trade. Dealers’ shelves suddenly empty. Law-abiding citizens buy revolvers or nothing.

  4. They exempt law enforcement to keep them happy. If they are affected do you think they’d enforce the law??

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