Halligan nomination defeated

Update to my previous Guns and the courts post: Senate Republicans successfully filibustered Caitlin Halligan’s nomination to the D.C. circuit.

“… Sen. Charles Grassley (R-Iowa), the top Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee, said in remarks on the Senate floor that Halligan’s representation of New York in a case against gun manufacturers and her membership on a New York City Bar Association panel that issued a report criticizing Bush administration detainee policy had given him concerns about Halligan’s “judicial philosophy and her approach to interpreting the Constitution.”  “Based on her record, I simply do not believe she will be able to put aside her long record of liberal advocacy and be a fair and impartial jurist,” Grassley said …”

While guns weren’t the only objection, this is a good sign for our side and demonstrates just how weak the antigun position has become.  It further supports my belief that the Senate will take up and pass H.R. 822.