Breathtaking B.S.

The New York Times is upset that the NRA filed a lawsuit to allow 18-20 year olds to purchase handguns.  Today’s op-ed, “Handguns for 18-Year-Olds?“, has this gem:

“… Beyond the dubious legal claims, the idea that young individuals ages 18 to 20 have a constitutional right to buy weapons and carry them loaded and concealed in public is breathtakingly irresponsible …”

But it’s ok for them to exercise other civil rights like voting, at least as long as its for the right person:

“… Two years ago, the University of Miami could not get enough Barack Obama. The campaign rally he held here felt like a rock concert, his face appeared on T-shirts all over campus, and pro-Obama volunteers registered 2,000 new voters … Mr. Obama won two years ago with 66 percent of the 18- to 29-year-old vote, a historic proportion. Americans under 30 also worked on campaigns at a greater rate than the general population did for the first time since 1952, or possibly even earlier …”

Given that Obama’s political fortunes have been reversed, how long before the NYT writes an op-ed calling for raising the voting age.

6 thoughts on “Breathtaking B.S.

  1. Maybe we should force prospective voters to pass a test before being able to register to vote like many states require prospective gun owners to take tests before being able to purchase a firearm.

  2. These were referred to as literacy tests. Long ago declared unconstitutional and discriminatory.

  3. Doubt there’ll be proposals to raise voting age.

    Was lowered from 21 because teenagers who couldn’t vote against the war were being killed in Viet Nam. Same argument could be made re our current wars.

  4. I’m merely pointing out the blatant hypocrisy of the Times. They are very selective of which rights they support.

  5. If it was up to the wags at The Ghey Lady, no private citizen under the age of 65 would be allowed to own a gun because they would be said to lack the years of experience that are necessary to use it wisely, and no one over the age of 65 would be allowed to own a gun because they had become too old to use it with the required proficiency.
    When that thinking resulted in no one being allowed to own a gun, the pointy-headed, arrogant, commie thugs would say that it was merely the natural result of the application of common sense, and thus was most likely an excellent result that everyone should be glad to willingly accept, or get life in prison.
    Commie libs are really good at making rules. Funny how the rules are always designed to achieve the results they want.

  6. With this whole 18 yr olds voting for Obama, sounds like a good case they shouldn’t have hand guns. If they were that irresponsible should we be OK with them having guns?

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