With Chris Collins out, Brady’s push Nate McMurray

Congressman Chris Collins resigned his seat today amid corruption charges.

The Brady’s wasted no time in plugging his antigun challenger from last time around, Nate McMurray:

This article from the Buffalo News last year outlines McMurray’s position on gun rights:

“… Nathan McMurray and Michael Ian Black joked and talked politics and it all went well – until the topic turned to the right to keep and bear arms. “He really blasted me for saying I was for the Second Amendment,” recalled McMurray, a Democrat. “It was a slightly awkward scene,” added McMurray’s friend Matt Sabuda, who saw the confrontation unfold when the politician and the comedian met at Buffalo’s Helium comedy club last spring. Black, who did not respond to a request for comment, lashed into McMurray even though the Democratic candidate favors a ban on assault weapons, a ban on bullet-spewing “bump stocks” and universal background checks for gun buyers – stances that put him far to the left of his Republican opponent …”