
I’m thinking NRA is starting to regret their endorsement of The Donald:

They seem to be taking this seriously as NRA is doing robocalls asking for calls to Chuck Schumer’s office to prevent a Diane Feinstein bill from moving.

6 thoughts on “Regret

  1. As I said Jacob. This is now gone beyond the usual routine of sweeping under the rug. Chris Murphy has hijacked the senate and they are still at the senate via C-SPAN2. Donald Trump has to asinine NRA for advice?? I mean this election is fucked we either get Hillary or Trump so which is better. 4 years of Hillary and NRA and NYSPRA play another 4 yrs of defense? This shooting was the teeth that the Antis needed to bite in and take a real good chunk. It will be interesting what bills get passed when the GOP captitulates.

  2. Yea. But Jacob one of those polls is by Bloomberg. I ask how much biased are in those to make them real reliable?? This is Bloomberg we are talking about.

  3. I’m guessing like everybody else what this Election will bring. The Elites & Establishment [GOP & Dem] are all against Trump, solidly. The Media is drumming the E & E’s opposition & propaganda for all its worth. Frankly, I can’t discern what the Election facts are. I don’t trust the polling since pollsters have been so wrong for the last 12-months.

    GOP & Dems both look scared as hell and not in control of the script.

    Remember, 18-months ago this election was to be Clinton vs. Bush…so decreed the E & E’s.

  4. I AM voting for Donald Trump because the alternative is unthinkable. BUT, not for nothing, if this is the shit that he is doing now, will he not, in four to eight years roll out of bed one morning and decide we need an AWB? The only saving grace is that he MAY appoint SCOTUS judges that will do the right thing. Way more important than POTUS. But this is like the guy who comes in for an interview and acts like a fucking douche there. What will he be like if we actually hire him? Mitt Romney was right, “whatever he says today is as worthless as a degree from Trump University”. But NRA IS doing the right thing now and we must support him. But what a fucking asshole!!

  5. Trump or the Hildebeast. Take your pick. Cankles or the Combover. I think that Trump wants to put his heart in the right place, while Hillary wants to rape America out of revenge for her hideous life. I’ll take Trump.

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