Even more detestable

Who is more detestable than a bunch of gun control advocates?

This bunch of racist gun control advocates.

Video from Brady event

Video from last week’s Brady Campaign event in lower Manhattan. Gov. Cuomo starts at speaking at 4:35, Hillary at 16:44.

Reid’s lame attack on NRA

Harry Reid is upset:

“… “Republicans care more about kowtowing to the NRA than preventing terrorists from legally buying assault rifles and explosives like the ones used in the Paris attacks here in America,” Reid said in a statement. “Shockingly, Republicans continue to preserve a loophole that allows FBI terror suspects to buy guns and explosives legally, without background checks.” …”

Reid sounds like a petulant child upset they’re not getting their way.  It shows both a personal weakness for Reid as well as the antis in general in Congress.

Could be he is trying to distract attention away from his other problems:

“… A Utah county prosecutor said Wednesday he is investigating U.S. Sen. Harry Reid of Nevada in connection with a pay-to-play scheme involving two former Utah attorneys general …”

Hillary thanks Cuomo

Translation: Thanks Andrew for taking yourself out of contention for President and clearing the field for me.

Daily News death spiral

Pete King is once again going on about the phony terrorist gun loophole.

The Daily News in turn runs with it and accuses NRA of supporting terrorists.

With circulation down 42%, the newspaper has been losing tens of millions of dollars a year.

Owner Mort Zuckerman has yet to acknowledge if these two things are related.

Cuomo to present Clinton with Brady award

The Brady’s are bestowing Hillary with an award and Andrew is going to give it to her:

“… Gov. Cuomo is set to make a joint appearance with Hillary Clinton Thursday night at a pro-gun control gala in the city. Cuomo will help introduce Clinton, the Democratic presidential front-runner, when she receives a “leadership” award named after his father, former Gov. Mario Cuomo, at a Brady Campaign To Prevent Gun Violence dinner at Cipriani on Broadway. “Hillary Clinton has spent decades taking on the gun lobby and fighting in Washington for sensible gun control,” Cuomo told the Daily News. “This is a battle to save lives and I’m proud to help in any way I can.” …”

I seriously doubt that.

Some speculate this an effort by Andrew to get himself onto the ticket.  I don’t see that for several reasons:

  1. The V.P. candidate is supposed to bring something to the ticket that is lacking: money, experience, special interest support, etc.  All Andrew is bringing is more asshole.
  2. Democrats do not like him and Hillary has enough problems with her base already.
  3. It is my understanding that Andrew asked Mr. Bill before unveiling SAFE if now was the time to push gun control.  He said it was and right after Andrew announced SAFE Mr. Bill was out there saying Andrew made a mistake.  Before SAFE he was considered by many to have presidential aspirations and Mr. Bill squashed that.

“… As for why the organization is honoring Clinton, Brady Campaign President Dan Gross said in a statement that “throughout her career as a public servant, Hillary Clinton has repeatedly put the safety of the American people above the influence and interests of the corporate gun lobby …””

No, they are doing it for public relations.  They have largely been supplanted by Bloomberg/Everytown and are desperate for attention.

Malliotakis to chair Rubio’s NY campaign

Assemblywoman Nicole Malliotakis will chair Marco Rubio’s New York state presidential campaign.

I have some concerns about Rubio and having Malliotakis around does not alleviate them.  She totally caved to Bloomberg on SAFE.

Miner’s trial balloon

This I don’t like:

Mayor Miner is a major league RINO. She’s hardcore antigun and is tight with Governor Cuomo.

Ted Cruz’s SuperPAC ad

A new pro-Ted Cruz SuperPAC ad is pissing off the antis.

The statement at the 0:32 mark is what Connecticut Senator Chris Murphy is upset about. I don’t especially like the ad, but the fact that Murphy is bent out of shape about it is a bonus.