Lawsuit appeal

The court decision will be appealed to the 2nd Circuit.  Here is draft paperwork of the filing.

The state plans to appeal as well.

The Bloomberg Legacy

We can now look back and refer to the Boss Tweed era as the good old days.

SLAIG starting up again

State Legislators Against Illegal Guns is starting up again with their annual meeting on January 14.

Click on image to enlarge it.

NRA takes shot and misses

Daily Caller is running an op-ed by Chris Cox, “Bloomberg leaves office today, protected by firearms“:

“When New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg leaves office today he will enter civilian life protected by firearms.  The same man who has spent much of his career and personal fortune trying to render good, law-abiding men and women defenseless, will now surround himself with a team of armed bodyguards … Bloomberg’s hypocrisy validates what five million NRA members and tens of millions of gun owners already know: The freedom to own and carry firearms is essential to our fundamental right of self-defense …”

On technical merit, this is absolutely correct.  Bloomberg is being hypocritical.  What nobody at NRA seems to understand is:

  1. Bloomberg does not care.
  2. Area politicians don’t care.
  3. Area media don’t care.

Silly attempted PR stunts like this accomplish nothing.  If NRA wants to be taken seriously in NYC, they have to become part of the political process just like every other (mostly leftist) interest groups does: give money to politicians, rate candidates and talk to the press about the issues.

Court ruling

Much  of the SAFE Act was upheld yesterday in a decision by a Buffalo federal court judge.

As I haven’t read an English interpretation of the decision yet,  the only comment on it is this:

“Right from Day 1, I’ve been telling people that this is the first step. This is going to the Supreme Court.” – New York State Rifle and Pistol Association President Thomas King on a federal judge’s ruling that nearly all parts of New York’s strict gun laws are constitutionally sound, via The New York Times.