NRA takes shot and misses

Daily Caller is running an op-ed by Chris Cox, “Bloomberg leaves office today, protected by firearms“:

“When New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg leaves office today he will enter civilian life protected by firearms.  The same man who has spent much of his career and personal fortune trying to render good, law-abiding men and women defenseless, will now surround himself with a team of armed bodyguards … Bloomberg’s hypocrisy validates what five million NRA members and tens of millions of gun owners already know: The freedom to own and carry firearms is essential to our fundamental right of self-defense …”

On technical merit, this is absolutely correct.  Bloomberg is being hypocritical.  What nobody at NRA seems to understand is:

  1. Bloomberg does not care.
  2. Area politicians don’t care.
  3. Area media don’t care.

Silly attempted PR stunts like this accomplish nothing.  If NRA wants to be taken seriously in NYC, they have to become part of the political process just like every other (mostly leftist) interest groups does: give money to politicians, rate candidates and talk to the press about the issues.

7 thoughts on “NRA takes shot and misses

  1. I agree, they are acting like kids. They need to stay relevant for all our sakes and stop doing the playground BS.

  2. Please gentlemen. The last thing we need now is a circular firing squad (there is a pun in there with our crowd) which tends to happen when the team takes a big one. And we just did take a big loss. No doubt. The perception is that we spent half a million to validate Cumhole and his commies’ position. But as Tom said, this is a process. We must stick together! We will need NRA help desparately moving forward because I fear that many will be upset / disappointed / disgusted here in NY and alot of money will be needed to fight on. They may not be as willing to give, and we will need NRA to help. CHIN UP!!!!!

  3. What? Really? I think this is EXACTLY what NRA should do. Who cares that “nobody in NYC cares”- if that is actually true?

    You realize that this is a global internet, right? That it can be shared across the country and the world right? This will highly the extreme hypocrisy of Bloomberg, and its one more PR move to hurt his image.

    I really am shocked that this article is posted.

  4. I’ve gotten better positive media coverage out of the NYC market than anyone from NRA ever has. I know what works and what doesn’t. This doesn’t.

  5. Jacob, its great that you are trying to reach out and win hearts and minds, and we should, but if you want to get a good sense of what you are dealing with, just google the major parts of Diblasios inauguration yesterday. I shit you not when I tell you that his comments could have been borrowed from Fidel Castros first public address after the fall of Batista in Havanna. When I was a kid calling them commies it was argued that I was just name calling and extreme, etc. Now I believe it is absolutely accurate. THEY elected him. So good luck with that. PS. I would have paid money to see the looks on the faces of the rich manhatten “progressives” when they were listening to his Marxist diatribe about “no more haves and have nots – no more a tale of 2 cities”. Great! I was laughing and applauding. GOOD – FUCK THEM!

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