NRA wants time before SCOTUS

The NRA would like to have their lawyer speak before SCOTUS in the McDonald v. Chicago case:

“The National Rifle Association asked the Supreme Court on Tuesday to allow its lawyer to take part in the oral argument March 2 in the case testing whether the Second Amendment restricts the power of state and local governments to pass gun control laws. It sought 10 minutes of time allotted to the individuals and groups that are pursuing the Amendment’s extension … The Court in the McDonald case will consider two main arguments for applying the individual right to possess guns to state and local laws: first, that gun rights should be protected at those levels by the 14th Amendment’s “Privileges or Immunities” clause; and, second, the protection should come under the Amendment’s Due Process clause. Both of those arguments are at issue in the question presented by the petition. The NRA said it wants to put stress on the due process argument … The Due Process Clause, former Solicitor General Paul D. Clement said in the NRA motion, “presents the most straighforwad and direct route to reversal of the decision” of the 7th Circuit Court against extending the Second Amendment to the state and local level …”

I wonder if the Brady’s are going to ask for equal time to pitch their argument?

News of the day

Putnam Co. Fish & Game is putting together a van to go to Albany on the 12th.

Will Elliot mentions lobby day in his column in the Buffalo News.

Another potential Democrat challenger for Kirsten Gillibrand, Harold Ford:

“Encouraged by a group of influential New York Democrats, Harold Ford Jr., the former congressman from Tennessee, is weighing a bid to unseat Senator Kirsten E. Gillibrand in this fall’s Democratic primary … Mr. Ford, 39, who moved to New York three years ago, has told friends that he will decide whether to run in the next 45 days …”

Ford was NRA F rated when he was in Congress.

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle reports on MAIG’s agenda in their article “‘Blueprint’ To Stop Illegal Guns From Entering Brooklyn Revealed.”  Here is a copy of the actual plan.  This quote from Mayor Mike is telling:

“… “Every day in our county, 32 Americans are killed by gun-wielding criminals — that’s a Virginia Tech-scale tragedy happening every single day,” said coalition co-chair and New York City Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg. “Enacting these 40 recommendations will save lives — and each can be done administratively, without action by the Congress …”

Trying to do an end run around the legislature is a familiar tactic for him, but he’s also basically admitting Congress won’t act on his proposals.  If gun control were really as popular as he says it is then he should not be having problems advancing an upfront legislative agenda.

Hasty implementation

Another microstamping update from California:

“In a recent letter to California Attorney General Edmund G. Brown, the California Police Chiefs Association (CPCA) expressed concern over the “hasty implementation” of firearms microstamping in California and called for further in-depth study of the technology before it is implemented by law in California …”

Shouldn’t you have thought about this before passing this law?


Need another reason to come to Albany on the 12th?  The R&P will be giving away a $1000 gift certificate from Remington.  Anyone who shows up will be eligible to win.

News of the day

Dick Nelson on Jan. 12, “Sportsmen need to show their strength.”  This column shows why Dick is far and away the best outdoor writer in the state.  Not because he’s necessarily the best wordsmith, but because he is the most honest and open of the bunch and tells it like it is.

There’s a bus from Long Island going to Albany on the 12th.  Cost is $35/person.

Erie Co. legislator Tim Kennedy will announce on Friday his intention to primary pro-gun Senator Bill Stachowski (D-58).

People are not interested in Rick Lazio running for Governor. This story brought to you by the New York Times and the Department of the Bloody Obvious.

Pete King for Senate?

Urban Elephants reports that Congressman Pete King has been making noise again about running for Senate against Kirsten Gillibrand this fall.  King has been a C/D rated by NRA over the past few election cycles so I have low expectations from him on gun issues.

He did get in a good shot at Michael Jackson and the media, though.

More press for lobby day

Some more press (and self-promotion) for the Jan. 12 lobby day at the LOB/CAP in today’s Post-Star, “Sportsmen prepare for meetings at Capitol.”  There are buses from at least nine locations going there that I’m aware of.

Levy forms exploratory committee

Suffolk Co. Exec. Steve Levy has formed a gubernatorial exploratory committee.  He did not have a good gun record when he was in the Assembly so I wouldn’t call him pro-gun.  Considering the other two potential Democrat candidates, it’s probably better to just think of him the least offensive party candidate for now.

Bloomberg expanding his horizons

Now Mayor Mike wants to get into the illegal immigration debate:

“… He also said he would take on the national issue of immigration reform similar to the way he focused on gun control in his second term. The mayor established the group Mayors Against Illegal Guns, which has pushed its agenda on Capitol Hill and in local political races throughout the nation …”

Does that means he’s going to change the name to Mayors Against Illegal Guns and For Illegal Immigration?

Congressional races to watch

According to the Star Gazette, the NRCC is spotlighting three Congressional races as possible Republican pickups this fall in districts 1, 19 and 29.  That gives us these match-ups:

CD-1: F rated incumbent Tim Bishop v. Randy Altschuler.  Bishop is a longtime anti, Altschuler is an unknown quantity.

CD-19: F rated incumbent John Hall v. Nan Hayworth.  Hall accepted campaign money from the Brady’s but wasn’t actively promoting antigun legislation the last time I checked.  Hayworth struck me as being a RINO but does not have any position statement on her campaign website about guns.

CD-29: C rated incumbent Eric Massa v. Tom Reed.  Not sure what Massa did to earn his last NRA rating.  He seemed concerned about being perceived as being pro-gun in the past.  Reed is the Mayor of Corning, but his position on guns is unknown.  He isn’t a member of MAIG.