Let’s keep doing what doesn’t work

Gun control doesn’t work, but let’s keep doing it anyway because, well, we’ve got nothing else.  From today’s Daily News op-ed, “Get the guns: Wanton slaying of 13-year-old cries out for crackdown on firearms“:

“… Mayor Bloomberg has filed lawsuits and staged sting operations to try to halt the flood of weapons that flow up I-95 and into New York. He has mobilized mayors around the country. And still a revolver found its way to a teenager who didn’t have the sense not to use it …”

So they’re basically admitting their gun control schemes don’t work as advertised.  A rational person would recognize failure, stop and try something else.  Not the DN:

“…  the NYPD must keep going after guns. Must keep up the stop-and-frisks that so outrage civil libertarians. Must confront suspicious-looking passersby. Because that’s the best way to try to save lives …”

Translation: Fuck the Constitution.  What we need is a fascist police state.  We’re going to save your life even if it kills you.

Bloomberg making noise again

Mayor Mike is looking for some attention again.  MAIG just released a report titled, “Blueprint for Federal Action on Illegal Guns.”  It looks like they’re largely repackaging their same old ideas to keep their issues in the media.  I don’t see this going anywhere.  Neither Congress nor Obama have any desire to take up any gun control schemes right now.

$65 Million

Mayor Bloomberg has spent $65 million on his re-election campaign thus far, roughly $30 million over the past two months alone.  He’s on track to hit $100 million by election day.

What can you even compare this to?

Learn from Aborn & Yassky

Aborn’s and Yassky’s defeats show some important points which will help us down the line:

  1. Gun control isn’t a winning issue even in NYC.  Both candidates made guns a central issue in their campaigns and it did not help either of them one bit.  NYC Democrats had a clear choice between the gun control candidate and someone else.  They choose the someone else.
  2. There’s no money in gun control.  Aborn got a whopping $1000 from the Brady’s, Yassky got nothing.  This is insignificant in races which cost millions of dollars.
  3. There is no grassroots in gun control.  Where were the GOTV efforts from NYAGV?  Mailings, advertisements, signs, phone banks?  I didn’t see any of that.
  4. We can play in races anywhere in the state.  Most of the gun control bills in Albany are sponsored by NYC Democrats who do not think we can touch them in their districts.  This proves them wrong.