The Catskill Daily Mail reports on Rep. Murphy’s roadshow:
“Keeping a campaign promise and honoring Veteran’s Week, U.S. Congressman Scott Murphy made a whistle stop tour of the mountains and valley last week … 2nd Amendment Rights were addressed … “I’m a strong supporter of the right to keep and bear arms,” Murphy responded, while acknowledging the issue is complex. “There are a lot of responsible gun owners and gun dealers out there. This breaks down to a rural and urban issue. It is a different experience for those of us living in rural areas. Changing the law won’t necessarily change the problem,” the Congressman said …”
Yes, it would solve the problem as John Lott pointed out in his aptly titled book, More Guns, Less Crime: Understanding Crime and Gun-Control Laws. Change the law so more people have more guns and there will be less crime and we’ll all be better off.