Attacking the messinger

In response to the blowback over his comment about “real” New Yorkers, Prince Andrew had his legal counsel attack Fred Dicker:

“… The Governor has never demonized the opposition to his gun law nor stance on protecting choice nor marriage equality.  The Governor is a gun owner and a Catholic.  His faith is very important to him and he respects the Second Amendment.  I have been party to many of these discussions over the years and while opinions are firm, the entire discussion on these different views has been tempered and respectful.  The Governor’s main principle for New York State is tolerance of different opinions, races, sexual orientation, and religion …”

When a politician starts making personal attacks against the media, it is a desperation move on their part and shows their weakness on an issue.

This move is especially dumb as Andrew didn’t have the courage to do it himself, he had one of his flunkies do it, and his target, Fred Dicker, is often referred to as the “Dean” of the Albany press corps and covered state politics for 30+ years.  Fred outlasted his Old Man in Albany and he will outlast Andrew as well.

17 thoughts on “Attacking the messinger

  1. Yeah, hes a catholic and supports the second amendment, but hes confiscating guns , turning people into felons and pushing policies that mass murder babies. How does that work??

  2. I think I stuck up for someone on my first day of a blog and if you even question a leo on the site you get banned. They blocked my posting for a week then an administrator emailed me and asked me why I had not come back. I told him what is the point of a blog if people cannot ask a simple question or have a different opinion of something. If you guys want to all stand around puffing you’re chests out like peacocks this isnt a blog for me. Then he must have blocked my ip address extremely childish and annoying they are.

  3. You don’t need a gun when you have armed guards. But he still has one???? Also look up Sullivan act 1913 interesting. Concealed carry laws are different in counties outside ny city.

  4. Mr. Pallante, he is not a Catholic. He is an Emperor, and they don’t need no stinkin religion. I just hope the rest of the state outperforms NYC, Long Island, and a few upstate counties and we vote this loudmouth out in November.

  5. I completely agree with the opinion expressed, but obvious spelling errors detract from the message. I believe you meant to write messenger, not “messinger.”

  6. OMG, the lies…. If he were TRULY respectful of the 2nd Amendment, or even the NEW YORK STATE Constitution, his gun law would not only be rescinded, but he would be fixing the 1913 Sullivan Law. How can you tell when Andy is lying? His lips move.

  7. I am unblocked now. You are correct this was not the site I posted about. I attended a forum where a whistle blower spoke Saturday and Strange things have been happening with my computer lately.

  8. Not only is Andrew Cuomo a liar but a delusional liar. I’m questioning his mental ability to govern due to ill acceptance of culpability.

  9. Andrew Cuomo elevated the sin of sodomy to be the equivalent of the sacrament of marriage. He supports every form of abortion, including partial birth abortion, which is the killing of a viable child. He is divorced, which is contrary to Church teaching, and he supports the idea of fornication by living unmarried with his girlfriend. He supports the idea of government funded contraception, despite the moral and religious objections of those devout Catholics whose tax dollars he would eagerly use for that purpose. Yet, his fawning lawyer glibly describes him as “a Catholic”. Cuomo pretends to be a Catholic when he needs the Catholic vote. The rest of the time his views are more consistent with those of Satan, and the direct opposite of those of the Catholic Church. Cuomo a Catholic? That would be laughable if it weren’t so grievously ridiculous.
    As to his lawyer’s bizarre and perverse claim that “he respects the Second Amendment”? Andrew Cuomo has done more harm to the Second Amendment rights of the people of New York State than anyone in this state’s history, including Bloomberg, and that’s saying a lot! When it comes to offenses against the Second Amendment, there is no worse offender than Andrew Cuomo – the man is satanic across the board, and lies to us about it to boot! Andrew Cuomo has no shame, and neither does the devil. Neither one should be governor of the State of New York!

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