Protesting Terry Gibson

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  1. These so called political leaders are a crack up. Mostly attorneys, who should know better, they used “message of necessity” rules to circumvent the NY State Constitution which requires a three (3) day aging period. Cuomo has blamed Michael Bloomberg & the Brady Campaign for problems with the legislation including restricting police officers and other LEOs to the same seven (7) round magazine capacity that was imposed by the laws to common citizens. Michael Bloomberg in response said that Cuomo should read the bills he signs into laws. Are public interests really being served when our legislators are voting of bills they have not even read? The Senators, including Terry Gipson had approximately 20 minutes to read the 25,000 word, 36 page bill before it was brought up for a vote in the wee hours of the morning. It’s disgraceful. I have spoken directly to other State Senators & Assemblymen who admit the state is run by the likes of Sheldon “Shelly” Silver who is dealing with his own corruption issues surrounding paying taxpayer hush money to people Vito Lopez had allegedly sex harassed. So allegedly that Lopez agreed to vacate is position. The only reason this is happening is because the New York Residents have not been paying attention. Well, guess what? The unSAFE Act, civil right blunting legislation has been a big wake-up call for many in the grass roots community. And these are not fringe groups – these are highly educated, highly motivated people from all walks of life and we are not going away.

    The article says that I said the law is unconstitutional and the reason I believe it is twofold:

    (1) It conflicts with key wording in both the US Supreme Court Rulings for (a) District of Columbia v. Heller & (b) McDonald v. Chicago where the majority decision said guns could only be restricted or made illegal to own of the two (2) following conditions were met: i. the gun was dangerous & ii. the gun was unusual – well, the first one is a throwaway since every gun is dangerous but it is part two that is going to be the problem. Gipson & Cuomo made it illegal to buy or own the number one sporting rifle sold in the united states as well as NY State. There is nothing unusual about an AR15 sporting rifle.
    (2) In addition, standard capacity magazines legally purchased by NY State residents were deemed to be illegal and one would have a period of time to destroy or sell outside the state this once legally purchase magazines. No grandfathering was offered and this is a violation of the United States Constitution stating that “no state shall pass ex post facto law”. It would be like applying current emissions standards to the 1975 Ford Pickup truck you have sitting in your garage and saying because we have tightened the standards, even though you legally bought that truck new in 1975, so sorry – you can’t use it here. Destroy it or sell it outside NY State.

    The worse part about this all is that it will have no material effect on gun deaths. These so called assault riffles are involved in .007% of the homicides. FBI statistics show on a countrywide basis how minuscule this issue is, especially when compared to deaths caused from texting while driving, or swimming pool drownings & the like. ( )

    One final though – as the antigunners try to make their emotional argument any way possible, they have a tendency to skew their statistics. While standing on the graves of the victums of the Sandy Hook tragedy, they will say things like, since the Sandy Hook shooting xxx number of people have been killed with guns. They fail to let you know that two thirds of those deaths are suicide and out of the other one third, they are including police on criminal shootings. For example, recently the list was reviewed in detail and it was shocking to find Christopher Dorner on thier list… name sound familiar? He was a former LAPD police officer and United States Navy Reserve officer who was charged in connection with a series of shooting attacks on police officers and their families from February 3–12, 2013. He was killed in a police standoff in Big Bear, CA. Or how about this name that showed up on the people killed by guns since Sandy Hook: Tamerlan Tsarnaev – older of the two Boston Marathon bombers – ( )

    Remember folks: Gun control is NOT about controlling CRIMINALS.

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