That’s what killed it in the first place

Antigunners just don’t get it:

“… Gun control advocates woke up Thursday morning still licking their wounds … The 2014 elections may be a year and a half away, but one of the chief fault lines has now been drawn.  “We’re going to take the long view in this fight,” said Mark Kelly, Giffords’ husband and the co-founder of Americans for Responsible Solutions, their gun control group.  “We’re going continue to talk about common-sense solutions that respect our Second Amendment rights … We’re going to make sure that people all over the country know how their senator voted on this.” …”

That is what killed the bill in the first place, the promise by the NRA to hold Senators accountable for their votes.

One thought on “That’s what killed it in the first place

  1. The antis like to say the “gun lobby” or the “gun industry” has too much power.What they don’t seem to understand is that the NRA alone has more members then a few states have citizens. Its people who are passionate about their Constitutional rights. That’s why the “gun lobby” is so powerful.

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