Castelli v. Buchwald

As previously discussed, some Democrat candidates are trying to make gun control an issue in their races in the hopes they can intimidate the Senate Republicans into bringing the microstamping bill to the floor.

One of those races is in the new AD-93 between incumbent Bob Castelli and White Plains Councilman David Buchwald.  Buchwald claimed that by voting against microstamping, Castelli (who is a retired cop as well as life NRA/NYSRPA, firearms instructor, competitor, etc.), “He’s been siding with the NRA and against Governor Cuomo, and our law enforcement professionals.”

Bob complained to the Westchestchester County Fair Campaign Practices Committee about it.  The result:

“…  Acting on complaints filed by incumbent Robert Castelli, R-Goldens Bridge, and Democratic challenger David Buchwald of White Plains, the committee found that the Buchwald campaign was “overreaching” and “misleading” in claiming that Castelli “voted against common sense gun safety reforms” and “voted to allow someone convicted of domestic violence to buy a gun” in statements to media and posted on its website …”

The Committee doesn’t have any enforcement authority so they cannot force Buchwald to retract his assertions, but Castelli can use their decision to blunt his line of attack.