NYAGV press release on microstamping

New Yorkers Against Gun Violence did sent out a press release in response to lobby day on the 12th. They posted it as a comment on Capitol Confidential’s morning entry for that day.  It’s the only place I have found it.

For Immediate Release
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Contact: Jackie Hilly 212-679-2345

Learn the Truth About Protecting the Police
LaPierre Woefully Out of Touch with Most Americans and Gun Owners!

The truth is common sense gun laws save lives, especially the lives of law enforcement officers. But when the gun lobby descends on Albany today the only thing on display will be aggravated rhetoric, platitudes, and false accusations.

In 2009, with the weakest gun laws in the industrialized world, the United States experienced a 26% increase in law enforcement deaths from gunshots. As police officers are killed and violence from guns continues to devastate communities, the gun lobby, locked in its rhetoric and loaded with lies, opposes sensible legislation like Microstamping (A6864/S4397). Law enforcement needs help to solve gun crimes, reduce illegal firearm trafficking, and get dangerous people off the streets. Microstamping legislation to help trace crime guns is supported by law enforcement throughout the state, the New York State Association of Sheriffs and Chiefs of Police, all 62 New York District Attorneys, and Mayors from cities all over the state. The gun lobby opposes it.

“Microstamping is a great investigative tool. Cartridges left at a crime scene could easily be traced to a specific weapon. This will help to create leads and help police investigators make arrests, take criminals off our streets and keep our communities safe,” said William J. Kilfoil, President of the NYS Association of Chiefs of Police.

NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre has said “the guys with the guns make the rules.” Mr. La Pierre is woefully out of touch with most Americans and out of touch with his own membership as a recent poll demonstrated American gun owners’ overwhelming support of sensible gun laws. “Right now too many bad guys have guns from states with weak gun laws,” said Jackie Hilly, Executive Director of New Yorkers Against Gun Violence. “We need leaders who will help us create safer streets in America, where our Police Officers and families don’t have to dodge bullets from illegal guns.”

When will the gun lobby stop protecting criminals, start listening to their own members and recognize the truth in Justice Scalia’s words: “The 2nd Amendment is not unlimited…the right was not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose.”


Jackie Hilly, Executive Director
New Yorkers Against Gun Violence

What was on display was vastly more people than NYAGV has ever been able to muster in one place. NYAGV looks weak and they know it.

3 thoughts on “NYAGV press release on microstamping

  1. What about the guy that gathers spent shells from a target range, commits a crime and leaves those casings he just gathered, the cops would be on a wild goose chase investigating INNOCENT gun owners, correct.

    How many leads has this produced in Ca ? None.

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