Money can’t buy you love

Posted over at State of Politics:

“Hidden in the depths of NYPIRG’s report last week on the record-breaking $220 million spent on lobbying in 2011 is the following eyebrow-raising fact:   Mayors Against Illegal Guns, an organization founded and funded by Mayor Bloomberg, dropped a whopping $325,895 on lobbying in 2010, ranking it 73rd on the list of top spenders in that year.  But last year, the group spent absolutely nothing.  And, according to records on file with JCOPE, it’s on track to spend $0 this year, too …”

$325,895 is a lot of money.  I don’t get paid anything from the R&P, I volunteer my time.  In spite of this we’ve consistently beat him and even got a win with CoBIS this year.  Funny how things work out like that, isn’t it Mayor Mike?

One thought on “Money can’t buy you love

  1. $ can’t buy love but it can buy lots of influence.

    A 325K donation from him is the equivalent of one of us contributing 25 cents. It’s obvious that he wants a bargain.

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