Meeting Michelle

We had our 3rd annual lobby day yesterday in the LOB.  An estimated 2000-2500 people showed up from across the state.

I talked Ginny Simone into visiting Michelle Schimel’s office.  I told the staffer I had a NRA News crew and they’d like to interview Schimel about her microstamping bill.  Right after I did that about a dozen or so gunnies showed up to complain about it as well.  That probably convinced her to let us in.

Schimel was really mad. She started off by complaining we didn’t make an appointment and ended by saying something about editing the video.   Ginny interviewed her for maybe 10-12 minutes and the whole thing will eventually be on NRA News.

Click on the images for a larger view.

3 thoughts on “Meeting Michelle

  1. I would like to have seen that. When you read the details of microstamping, you can easily see what a farce it is. Just like COBIS. I figure Michelle is well aware of what a farce it is, but my guess is that microstamping is merely an end run with the true purpose being to drive the cost up so high that it’s no longer feasible to manufacture and market handguns in the state of New York.

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