Identifying the problem

The title of this National Journal op-ed sums up much of what is wrong with the Republican party, “Insiders: GOP Would Be Better Off With Romney for 2012“:

“Texas Gov. Rick Perry may be surging in polls of Republican primary voters, but his party’s Insiders aren’t convinced he’d be the best general election candidate. More than two-thirds of Republican Insiders say Mitt Romney has a better chance than Perry of defeating President Obama in 2012, according to this week’s National Journal Political Insiders Poll …”

You mean those same insider who have been giving the NY GOP the same bad advice for years, that what the public really wants is a milktoast, leftist/progressive RINO?  These insiders are what is wrong with both parties.  It’s high time the GOP bosses started listening to the base.

“… Democratic Insiders echoed that assessment by an even larger majority …”

Well that settles it then.  Given that these Democrat functionaries have a vested interest in keeping their guy in power doesn’t it seem just a wee bit plausible that they’re going to trash the candidate they are most afraid of?


2 thoughts on “Identifying the problem

  1. Markie Marxist sez: “Of course the public really wants a milktoast, leftist/progressive RINO! That’s what the Tea Party is all about! That’s why all those tea people are making such a fuss! And if they don’t get one, they’ll all vote for Obama! You wouldn’t want that, would you? So Republicans should support Romney, precisely because he is a wishy-washy, squishy RINO, or they’ll lose the election! Really they will! Obama doesn’t stand a chance against someone who’s just like him! Because, uh, he’s not as good as that person, because he’s the same as that person. Or something like that. Anyway, go with Romney, if you want to win. He’s the winner for you. Really he is. We Marxists never lie about these things.”

  2. While I do think Romney could beat Obama, I do not believe he is the best choice to carry the GOP flag.

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