Bloomberg’s annoucement

Mayor Bloomberg is giving his speech right now on his “major” gun control initiative.  The main points are:

  1. Enhanced background checks, get mental health records from states.
  2. No private sales, bogus “gun show loophole.”


He supports the McCarthy magazine bill.

He’s laying all the blame on Congress for not doing anything about his agenda.  He also avoided trashing the NRA.

One thought on “Bloomberg’s annoucement

  1. The “gun show loophole” is a euphemism for private sales, such as selling a rifle that you no longer need to a target shooter/hunter/home defense/collector friend who needs it for deer hunting/target shooting/home defense/collection.

    Once they have deprivatized all private sales by requiring them all to go through a dealer, it will be necessary to require the registration of all guns to close the “cheating loophole” whereby people are transferring their guns without going through a dealer. Once nearly all guns are registered, they can easily ban them bit by bit, by type, caliber, action, etc., or by simply limiting the number of guns that one can register. Their eventual goal is a near total ban and they mean to march us down the road to that end, step by step.

    The proper answer to them is “NO!” and yes, that refutation should be loudly shouted at them, as is appropriate when fending off predators.

    Requirements for background checks were only ever intended to apply to sales by commercial dealers in firearms and were never intended to cover transactions between private owners.

    Those who seek to subvert the Second Amendment should be subject to fines and imprisonment. If they want to use their freedom to attack the freedom of others then they belong in jail with other criminal predators. If they want to talk gun control laws and penalties to be imposed on me, then I want to talk fines and imprisonment for them for attacking my freedom. In a civilized society, it is not appropriate to allow them to use gun control as an instrument with which to abuse others. One cannot abuse the First Amendment by shouting “fire” in a crowded theater, and one should not be allowed to abuse it to burn down the Second Amendment either, because to do so is wrong

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